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Mr.11, Steven R,i, Sarkozy <br />May 13, 1.991 <br />Page 3 <br />Abl,e to Postpone judgment, i.e. listeningp <br />exploring, analyzing, relf lecting,, and then <br />coming to conclusions,, recommendations and <br />isdvocacy • various positions. <br />St&ve, I hope the aiblove give you some ideas that will prove to b <br />0 <br />useful, in, detielrm,ining the role of the facilitator/consultant and 1 <br />developing a priocess for the slielection of Focus Group membersf I <br />Al <br />Enclosed, is an art:'Lcle entitled, "'The, New Working Order" which <br />addresses certain ideas pertaining to achieving community consen- <br />sus * The, reason I send you this art,icle is that the "ideas <br />contained in ito I think outline the pirimary purpose of the focus <br />I L lef 6 . <br />groups particularly as depictedi Jn the, tabile d in3Lng the cormnunity <br />collabloratJLon priocies,s that public offlIcials cian use. <br />If you ha,vie any questions or wiish to discuss solme of these ideas in <br />greater d,elpit,h, plieas�e do not, hietitate, to clointact me at 303-986- <br />84,87 It was a, pleasurie visiting, with, you and-, your Council and I <br />look forward to the possible, opportuni1ty, to working with your <br />A <br />entire community in framing its iapproaiclh to creating its future. <br />S incerely, <br />ar N'e Jr <br />Enclosure <br />