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M E M O R A N D U M <br />TO: Steve Sarkozy <br />FROM: Bob Bierscheid <br />DATE: September 12, 1991 <br />RE: Concordia Academy Proposal for Recreation Facilities <br />As stated in their letter, Concordia Academy has proposed to the <br />City of Roseville that in lieu of their Park Dedication <br />requirement, they would deed to the city approximately four acres <br />of land for park and recreation purposes. In return for the land <br />dedication, the city would construct one baseball field, one <br />softball field and a parking lot with lights. The parking lot <br />would be on Concordia Academy property. Also, as part of the <br />proposal, the city would obtain contractual rights to use the <br />parking lot for park and recreation purposes. The proposal also <br />would include a variance from the required set -back from the ball <br />fields for any future addition that they would add to the West <br />side of the building. Additionally, they have requested that the <br />city put in the sidewalk or pathway around the outside of the <br />recreational facilities along Dale Street and County Road B2. <br />Attached is a copy of the project estimates that we have for <br />developing the facilities. As you will note there are two <br />estimates listed; one is for the construction company that <br />Concordia has been working with to develop their facilities, the <br />other is from our Park Superintendent who is more experienced in <br />developing recreational facilities. I do feel that our estimate <br />is more realistic. <br />The city will be receiving approximately $4,000 in Park <br />Dedication from Rottlund Homes on their portion of the project. <br />This -could be used to offset a portion of the cost for <br />development of the fields. <br />This .project is similar in nature to what was done in Central <br />Park for the baseball diamond near the Rosetown American Legion. <br />The Legion donated the land, the city developed the field and in <br />return the Legion is given priority for scheduling This same <br />process is proposed at Concordia. Please let me know if you need <br />any additional information. <br />
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