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Mae' <br />EXECI IVE MARY M11, <br />Our review oflawful purpose contributions made in 1988 revealed that. <br />@ 0 <br />Organizati6ons spent almos ' <br />t 2,5percent of their contributions on <br />themselves, mostly for building construction or repair,, and property <br />taxes. Beginning in mid-19881, most of these contributions were <br />disallowed, without gambling board approval, but "gra,nd,fathered" <br />building loans, will keep this fi gure high for many years., <br />*1 Government agencies,, including fire departments,, schools,, and parks, <br />received 21, percent of all charitable contributions., <br />Medical and human service agencies each received 8 percent, of all <br />contributions, youth sports groups and needy, Individuals each <br />received, about 7 percent, and youth, sle cesll and veterans programs <br />each received about 5 percent of all contributions. <br />9 Only a small proportion of all contributions were not allowed under <br />current board policy, notably $800,0010,1 or 1 percent of the statewide, <br />total, which went for adult sports. <br />A somewhat larger, proportion of contributions were questionable, <br />61 <br />including $183,000 which was donated to, lobbying organizations and <br />41 <br />many contributions which sponsoring organization gave to <br />themselvesO <br />0 - <br />Under previoUs rules', orga,nizat,ions could make contributions to themselvesy <br />and much confusion remains about what i's permitted and what i's not. Un,-i <br />Coirtunately, <br />State agencies have not developed comprehensive policies on <br />allowable lawful purposes, nor have they effectively communicated to <br />licensees the policies that do, exist. , <br />W 11 11101 <br />When the state, took over responsibility for gaming regulation, gamming <br />board staffbegan to develop polim"esi on, what, types of expenditures met the <br />i fully, developed., <br />definitilon. of lawful purpose., But the policies were never <br />When organizations requested approval for lawful purpose contributions, <br />they were handled in an ad hoc way without systematic follow throughei <br />We reviewed one randomly selected contribution from each of 100 organi'za- <br />9 <br />tioins to d,et,erm,i,ne 1) whether the, payee. actually received the funds, 2) 1-fthe <br />funds had, been, used as stated by the, payee, and 3) if the organization had, <br />prioperil,y approved, the expenditure. <br />We found, that the payee was, accurately reciord,ed in 95 of 10�O cases. The <br />other cases were reimbursements to the organizations" geinerial, bank account <br />for contributions, made through the generiail account. While th,i,s practice of <br />a <br />imbursing the, general account for lawful, purpose contributions is allowed by <br />0 <br />rule I it, creates, a loss of control, over, the gambling account. It', al,so makes com-i <br />