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EXECLJTrVE &UMMARY <br />3ax <br />0, <br />Second, the lawful gambling licensing process needs to be more compiriehen- <br />,zive <br />- We recommend that,: <br />9 Annual license renewals, by the gambling board should, be contingent <br />on a satisfactory review of tax returns, i lawful purpose expenditures, <br />financial, audits, and internal control policies,, <br />Local government approval should be required before gambling <br />licenses are issued., <br />0, <br />ej The Gambling Control Board should develop a program. to better <br />41 <br />in form local officials about state gambling, rules and regulations. <br />Ibird, threats to the integfity of gambling from 'insider m0formation are diffi- <br />cult to cointrol, but the, following steps, can minimi, e the threats: <br />I I I Iz <br />'*I # A W <br />The Leg islature should require the posting of large denominati on <br />winning tickets for each plull,-tab game, <br />Records that allow the tracing of' winners should, be maintained at <br />each gambling site.1 <br />The winner, registration form for all winners of over $50 should be <br />embossed with a driver's license or state identification card, <br />Fourth, to, encouria,ge gambling organizations to establish better co,ntrols over <br />gambling proceeds,I we recommend that: <br />0, <br />All checks from an organization's gambling account, should" require <br />two signatures. <br />Organizations should be responsible for paying from their own funds <br />for any cash shortages,, <br />The Gambling' o <br />Control Board should approve nly, fund losses that <br />result" from â–ºccurreinces beyond the control of the gambling <br />organization,, such as a break-in. <br />HI <br />Fifth, state reporting requirements need to be strengthened. We recommend <br />that: <br />The Department of Revenue should revise the tax form so, that cash <br />shortages and bad check are riepioirlt,ed separately. <br />0 State agencies should require more detailed reporting of lawful <br />purpose explendi'tures. <br />