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xx LA%TUL GAMBLING <br />State a gencies should require better reporting on bingo events and <br />should require the use of prenumbered sheets of bingo paper,, <br />gq <br />F-linally, if the Le "sl,ature intends to contiolnue restricting the use of gambling <br />f!-)roceeds for "charitable" purposes, limiting the ability, of gambling oirigan,i,za- <br />tions, to direct funds into their own accounts some additional statutory <br />changes are needed. We recommend, that.-, <br />&cept for certain emergencies, expenditures should only be made <br />from an organization's gambling account,, not its general account.1 <br />Contributions from one licensed gambling organizatiOn to another <br />should not be allowed. <br />These changes Will, not eliminate all of' the problems assoicia,tcd with lawful <br />0 0 <br />gambling in Minnesota. However, in our view, these steps, Will help minimlz <br />a <br />the riskof fraud and abuse and help restore public confidence in the integrit <br />of the games. i ti <br />