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19 4.0 BACKGROUND <br />20 4. 1 The subject property is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for industrial land uses and is <br />21 under the new Industrial (1) zoning district, but the property was zoned General Industrial <br />22 (1-2) District at the time the application was submitted, thus the proposal must be <br />2'3 evaluated according to those standards. <br />24 4.2 The existing pile of rubble is the product of the demolition of the former industrial <br />25 building on the property. The goal of the applicant has been, and continues to be, selling <br />26 the rubble as base material in construction projects rather than trucking the rubble to a <br />2 7' landfill. <br />28 4.3 Outdoor storage of materials (including rubble) was listed among the uses allowed in the <br />29 1-2 District as a conditionally permitted use; the same is true about outdoor storage in the <br />'30 newly-adopted I District. Although the property owner's intent is to maintain the rubble <br />pile for only as long as it takes to sell the pile, City staff has advised Icritcx to seek <br />' 2 approval of the pile as an INTERIM USE,, which would both allow Meritex additional time <br />'3'3 to sell the material as intended,, and allow Roseville to regulate the maintenance of the <br />pile and ensure its removal by a specified date. <br />'35 5.0 INTERIM USE APPLICATIONS <br />mm While the current requirements pertaining to INTERIM USE applications are mostly similar <br />7' to the previous regulations, former Section 1013.09 (Interim. Uses) of the City Code <br />' 8 established the regulations pertaining to INTERIM USES. <br />'39 5.1 Section 1013.09A stated.- The ('11y ("ouncil may authorize an interim use ofproperty. <br />40 Interim uses may not be consistent with the land uses designated on the adopted Land <br />41 Use Plan. They may also fail to meet all of the zoning standards est abolished for the <br />42 district within which it is located. <br />4,'3 5.2 Section 1013.0 Br stated.- The ('11y (.,ouncil may attach conditions to -Interim Use Permits <br />14,14, [sic]. In reviewing [such] applications, the ('11y will establish a specific date or event that <br />145 will terminate the use on the properly. The ("ouncil will also deters ine that the approval <br />146 of the interim use would not result in adverse effects on the public health, safety, and <br />4 7' general we are, and that it will not impose additional costs on the public if it is <br />148 <br />necessary for the public to take the property in thefuture. <br />149 5.3 An applicant seeking approval an INTERIM USE was required to hold an open house <br />50 meeting to inform the surrounding property owners and other interested attendees of the <br />51 proposal, to answer questions, and to solicit feedback. The open house was held on <br />52 October 26 2010; the summary of the open house meeting provided by the applicant is <br />5'3 included with this staff report as Attachment C. <br />54 5.4 The site plan illustrating the location of the existing pile on the property is included with <br />55 this staff report as Attachment D. <br />56 5.5 During the review of the application, the Development Review Committee (DRC), was <br />5 7' largely unconcerned with the potential of the pile, as proposed, to have any adverse <br />58 impacts. The DRC was merely interested in ensuring that the silt fencing, installed to <br />59 prevent any erosion from migrating away from the pile, be properly maintained to <br />60 preserve its functionality, and ensuring that the pile be completely removed by a definite <br />61 date. The applicant originally requested permission to maintain the pile until the end of <br />PF I 0-029—RCA-0 1 1011 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />