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2 August 2011, but the DRC recommended allowing the pile to remain until the end of <br />6'3 October 2011 — which is closer to the end of a typical construction season. <br />&4 5.6 For the sake of comparison, the new INTERIM USE regulations (§ 1009.03 of the recently- <br />65 adopted zoning code) require the City Council to make the following findings.- <br />66 a. The proposed use will not impose additional costs on the public if it is necessary for the <br />6 7' public to take the property in the future; <br />68 b. The proposed use will not create an excessive burden on parks,, streets,, and other public <br />69 facilities; and <br />7'0 c. The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood or otherwise <br />7'1 harm the public health, safety, and general welfare. <br />7'2 Findings "a"' and "c"' are essentially a firmer restatement of former § 1013.0 Br (quoted <br />7`3 above in section 5.2 of this report)l,, and finding "b"' has been added to ensure that impacts <br />74 to City infrastructure are being considered in addition to the potential impacts on the <br />7'5 private property in the vicinity of the proposed INTERIM USE. Since the proposed pile <br />7'6 comprises only the rubble remains of a building from which hazardous materials were <br />7 . .... 7' removed before its demolition,, Planning Division staff believes that all three findings <br />7'8 could be confidently made with the recommended conditions of approval. <br />7'9 6.0 PUBLic HEARING <br />8o 6.1 The duly-noticed public hearing for this application was held by the Planning <br />81 Commission on November 17 2010; no one from the public was present at the public <br />82 hearing, but written public comments received to date are included with this staff report <br />8'3 as Attachment E and minutes of the public hearing are included with this staff report as <br />&4 Attachment F. The main point of concern for the Commissioners was the length of time <br />85 the owner put off making the application for INTERIM USE approval. Although staff <br />86 present at the meeting did not know the answer, the Community Development Director <br />8 7' first learned about the pile in June and informed the property owner that it needed to be <br />88 removed; that initial correspondence resulted in the property owner being allowed to <br />89 remove the pile by selling for construction purposes over the summer. Since the pile <br />90 remained at the end of the summer,, the property owner was told that the only way to <br />91 allow the pile to remain longer was with an approval through the INTERIM USE process; <br />92 soon after this,, the property owner began the process of arranging the required open <br />9'3 house and submitting the application materials. Due to some frustration about the <br />94 applicant not being present to explain the full history of the rubble pile and a reluctance <br />95 to be overly accommodating of a property owner who may have been obstinate about <br />96 removing the rubble pile, the Planning Commission recommended approving the INTERIM <br />9 7' USE only through the end of July 2011. <br />98 6.2 Under the circumstances,, the primary public interest is in ensuring that the pile is not <br />99 permanent. Because the City and members of the public have often expressed interest in <br />100 sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, Planning Division staff continues to <br />101 believe that attempting to sell/reuse the rubble during the entire 2011 construction season <br />102 is a better way to eliminate the pile than to simply remove it to a landfill. To that end, <br />10'3 requiring the pile to be completely removed by the end of October seems to achieve the <br />PF110-029—RCA — 011011 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />