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1, l,o�t re-,strliped. He has <br />Mir. Schwalbach has a,gre,ed to hiave the park&ng <br />also agreed to, establish a handicapped plarking space nel,ar the front of <br />the building with the required slignage. <br />When we, met wli,th M�ro Schwalba& well <br />disicussied both the approvial. <br />granted for several variances in 1984 <br />and <br />t,hei facti <br />that he pilans to ad <br />another significant expan�siioin to, <br />this <br />building <br />in the n�ear future <br />Through the review of the 1,984 <br />plans, <br />we were <br />able to Provide Mr <br />Schwalbach with a prof essionally <br />pirepared site <br />plan for hi,s use 'I <br />applying for this permitilffil Well also <br />noted <br />that the <br />1984 plans called fo <br />a landscaped area, to be installed <br />along <br />Rice, Sitreeit,. That land,scapin <br />was neveir compileted*i <br />