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North Heghts, Hardware, Case No.. 2057 Paige 2 <br />2o CONCLUSION <br />in conclusion, it, <br />appears <br />that the Applicant has made <br />th�e changes <br />requ�ested bly the <br />Planning <br />Commi i ssion�. It,. also, appears 'to <br />be clear that <br />the beist, thing tihat could <br />happen on this site, both for thei <br />owner and <br />t,hei clity, is, the <br />construction <br />of the proposed buil,d�"in�g expansion. is <br />very obvious that <br />thilsi business has outgrown itsi building. <br />The proposed <br />expansion cou�ld <br />provide <br />for storag�e space in�do�ors- and <br />out of sight <br />rather than 'in the plark,i,ng <br />lot as currently proposed. <br />^ <br />