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plagi&. 2 <br />,,Octoiber 23,, 198�9 <br />5,o Staff could pirepiare and the counicil adopt a local ordinance setting <br />up a permit process to review each specific case for disposal of <br />petroleum contaminated solel. The oirdionance should establish <br />condons and criteria for reviiew and approval. A strict <br />prohibition on, disposal of petroleum contaminated so il is not <br />legally, advisable. <br />In light of the advice, from the attoirn,ey,,, staff recommends that the cit <br />*1 adopt a motion denying the permit submitted by Enecotech on <br />councl I <br />blehalf of ABF Freight,,. In adopting the 'motion the council should make a <br />"f"'c finding, of' facts relat I <br />specl 1 ing to the issue and outlining potent'al <br />concerns., Thesie concerns include the following. <br />1. Dust, and odor problems relating to surface application process <br />Potential surface,, water contaminat on involving the wetlan <br />16 <br />immediately adjacent to the ABF sitle across Cleveland <br />3 0', Mon. itoring and test ling procedures and communication with city staf f <br />a <br />Motion, denying ABIF permit for land application of petroleum contaminated <br />s "ls, on, the ABF sitie at 2750 Cleveland Avenue,. ion should contain <br />oil The mot' <br />the specifi,c findings of fact as outlined in this staff memorandum. <br />