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UIG 1 G TECH 745 <br />P. / <br />14r. ,d i m Eal1aiday <br />Manager l"Lntenance, Prograins <br />ABIF Freight Systems, Inc <br />P. . Box <br />Fort Smith, Arkansas 712902 <br />lr Mr. la <br />RE,: Lend Applocation of Pet�ro'leum C,onit,aim"naited Soils <br />to s AEF Freight Systems, Ine,,i 2750 Cleveland Avenue North, Roseville <br />Prior t r a n, the soil a soil sample should a taken om the plow <br />layer 611 the proposed sitle sit and tested for nutrient levels. Thi s <br />informat:Lon should ten be used for the amount of nutrients to be <br />added to enhance the breakidovii of the hydrocarbons in the soil, <br />2. HPICA, staff recommends documenting the effectilven of' the sc>'i treatment <br />using UmSa Environmental Protection A, e approved meet hods that utilize ,has <br />uom t ra 'ma pr- t r,omel, try for laboAratiory analysis of soil samples. <br />If you or Your consultant, have any' questions, You maY call, t staff <br />hydrologist Grow a,t 4 , or ma ati 612/2916 -3951 <br />ncereiy, <br />Steve Hrzftnamonji Einecotech <br />Ray Erg, son t Ramsey County P,ubilic Health Department <br />Stevie t n,,, a blic Varks Director, Roseville <br />Regional ffic es-1 Dultithial Brainerd * Detroiid, Lakes, •i r ll' , Rochester <br />