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T'OLTZ. KING, DUVALL,, ANDERSON <br />F"YiLDA AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED <br />ENGINEERS ARCHITECT'S PL ERS 2500 AMEHIGAN N ATIO,NAL BANK BUILDING <br />SAINT PAUL,. MINNESOTA 55101-1593 <br />612J2024400, <br />FAX 61M2-0083 <br />91M <br />Mr., Steve Gad in <br />D 41 <br />irector of'PubliC Works, <br />C* Roseville <br />Ity <br />2660 Civic Center, Drive <br />Roseville, MN 551,13 <br />Re Public Works, Addifti-on and Remodeling <br />City of Roseville, MN <br />TKDA Comm. No,. 97'87 <br />a <br />Today bids were received, and, opened for the above referen'ced, p ecit'. Bid tabulations are on <br />r0i <br />the attached, sheets. <br />The, furn of George W. Olsen Construction Clo., was the low blidder with a construction cost <br />fbr the, <br />e <br />Blase Bid of $716,500-00. The brakdown, of ffie, Architecit"s estmi,ate parentheses) and <br />Contractor's b id for the tbree bid, items are as, follows -% <br />*1 These items, have been budgeted separately by the City., <br />41 <br />A toltal of eleven ( 1, 1 ) add, or dedu'ct costs were reqmred of the bidders to provi de the C ity, of <br />Roseville the greatest latiftude m, choosing those areas of additional work to beperfoi ed undel <br />41 m <br />this contract. These items are listed, M* the order which we sugglest they be given priority. <br />#1 Add, Alternate #8, for the fidgh efficiency <br />infra-red heating system ($481000.00) $31491200.01' <br />