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Finally, with some occasional exceptions, I't quarter financial results provide little if any insight on year- <br />end results. The Council is cautioned in drawing any conclusions based solely on the information presented <br />below. <br />Citywide Revenue Comparison <br />The following table depicts the 2008 revenues for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2008 (unaudited) <br />for the City's core programs and services. <br />Revenues <br />General prop erty taxes <br />Intergovernmental revenue <br />Licenses & permits <br />Charges for services <br />Fines and forfeits <br />Cable franchise fees <br />Rentals / Lease <br />Donations <br />Interest earnings <br />Miscellaneous <br />Total Revenues <br />2008 2008 % % <br />B Actual Actual Norm. Diff. <br />10.1641.1360 <br />-1 <br />0.0% <br />0.2% <br />-0.2% <br />899.1000 <br />118.1600 <br />13.2% <br />14.3% <br />­ 1. 1 % <br />1.1338.1975 <br />200.1346 <br />15.0% <br />19.9% <br />-5.0% <br />13.1849.1875 <br />1.1217.1404 <br />8.8% <br />10.9% <br />-2.I% <br />283.1000 <br />51.1140 <br />18. 1 % <br />16.4% <br />1.7% <br />319.1550 <br />-1 <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />301.1880 <br />136.1697 <br />45.3% <br />49.9% <br />-4.6% <br />30.1000 <br />2.1000 <br />6.7% <br />5.3% <br />1.3% <br />466.1965 <br />-1 <br />0.0% <br />0.0% <br />n/a <br />802.1470 <br />63.1632 <br />7.9% <br />16.4% <br />-8.4% <br />$ 28.1933.1075 $ 1.1789.1818 6.2% 7.9% -1.7% <br />Actual' column depicts the percentage spent compared to the budget <br />Norm' column depicts the percentage of expenditures we normally incur during this period as measured over the <br />previous 3 years <br />❖ `Diff' column depicts the difference between the percentage actually spent and the percentage we typically incur. A <br />percentage difference of 10%, or more in this column would be considered significant <br />Revenue Comments.- <br />In total,, citywide revenues are near expected levels with a few notable exceptions. They include.- <br />1) Licenses and permit revenues are below the 3-year average, but consistent with 2007. <br />2) Miscellaneous revenues are below the 3-year average,, but consistent with 2005. These revenues <br />oftentimes include one-time monies which are subject to wide fluctuations from year to year. <br />These exceptions, while noted, do not necessarily constitute a new trend. However, they will be monitored <br />during the year to determine any operational impacts, and whether corrective action is needed. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />