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STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />69 1. Motion to acknowledge and authorize the following Community Development <br />70 procedural changes: <br />'7 1 a. Shortened timeframes for correcting public nuisance violations. <br />"72 b. Additional educational efforts through the use of brochures to better inform the <br />"73 public about typical public nuisance violations. <br />74 2. Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Title I Section 102.01 to require mandatory <br />"7 payment of Administrative Offense tickets and establish increased administrative <br />76 penalty amounts for subsequent offenses within an eighteen month period. <br />"7 "7 3. Motion to approve the attached resolution changing the current prosecuting attorney <br />"7 contract to eliminate Item #18 until November 1, 2008 at which time the issue will be <br />"79 reviewed again by the City Council. <br />4. Motion to authorize staff to hire a seasonal intern to assist with code enforcement <br />activities and the neighborhood enhancement program. <br />0 <br />E <br />Prepared by: Pat Trudgeon., Community Development Director, (651) 792-7071 <br />Attachments.- A.- Proposed Draft Ordinance <br />B.- Proposed Resolution modifying prosecuting attorney's contract. <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />