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b) Discuss the possibility of using funds from the HRA budget to pay for the seasonal <br />30 intern and neighborhood enhancement program. At the April 15th HRA meeting, staff <br />3 1 brought this possibility up but no decision was made by the HRA regarding the matter. <br />32 As the City Council and the HRA will be conducting a joint meeting on April 21 st,, this <br />33 matter should be discussed by both bodies. <br />34 <br />2.5 Ordinance The proposed ordinance in your packet modifying the use of administrative tickets <br />36 still contains mandatory administrative ticketing for code enforcement violations with an <br />37 escalating fine structure as before. However, several changes have been made from the last <br />38 draft. <br />39 2.6 In regards to the fines collected, language has been removed that directed fines collected as part <br />40 of a code enforcement violation be directed to the Community Development Fund. Instead, any <br />°11 code enforcement fines collected will go in the General Fund, like other administrative tickets. <br />42 2.7 In regards to the Hearing Officer to consider appeals to the administrative ticket, the ordinance <br />43 now states specifically that the City Manager will serve as the Hearing Officer. One option for <br />44 the City Council to consider is the use of outside person to serve as the Hearing Officer. Staff, <br />45 however,, has not been able to fully research this possibility at this time. Currently the City sees <br />46 only sees I or 2 appeals per year. <br />47 2.8 In section 102.01 (c) (5) , language has been modified to state that only the administrative fines <br />48 for code enforcement violations may be put on the property for collection. <br />49 2.9 Prosecuting Attorney's Contract. At the April 14th meeting, the City Council discussed the <br />possibility of revising the prosecuting attorney's contract to no longer require City Council <br />approval for staff to issue a court citation. It was suggested during the conversation that perhaps <br />the change should be tried on a temporary basis (i.e. six months), and that the City Council <br />receive updates throughout that period regarding the issuance of court citations. <br />54 2.10 Based on this discussion,, staff has prepared a motion for the City Council to consider. <br />55 2.11 Code Enforcement Procedure Changes Staff presented the City Council with procedural <br />changes regarding code enforcement at the April 14�, 2008 meeting. These included shortened <br />time frames and educational outreach. Staff would like for the City Council to consider <br />ratification of these procedure changes. <br />59 3.0 POLICY OBJECTIVE: <br />6�,,,--); 3.1 To strengthen and preserve Roseville's residential and commercial neighborhoods (which is a <br />61 goal of the Imagine Roseville 2025 initiative), through the joint efforts of residents and city staff <br />62 by protecting Roseville property values and thereby the City's to base. <br />63 4.0 FIANCIAL IMPACTS: <br />64 <br />4.1 The hiring of a season intern to assist with code enforcement efforts and the neighbhorhood <br />66 enhancement activates will cost approximately $,15,060. Funding sources that can be used are <br />67 mentioned in Section 2.4. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />