Draft Planning Commission Minutes Attachment E
<br />Request by Red Dog Holdings, L,L,C (d/b/a Cash-n-Pawn) t ©r approval ©t a CONDITIONAL, USE
<br />2, PERMIT t© all ©w a pawn sh ©p in an existing retail center at 2181 — 21�95 Snelling Avenue.
<br />3 Ch�aiir Bake man opened the Puibl�iic Hearing for Planning File 08-014.
<br />,4 Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd re�viie�we�d staff's anal siis of the re�q�uie�st, n�otiin thl at the sulk je�ct te�nian�t
<br />5 space was located between Kiin�ko 11 s/Fe�dEx and Ch�iin�a Jen wiith�iin the Rosewood Shopping Ce�n�te�r. Mr.
<br />6 Lloyd adviise�d thl at the applicant h�as seventeen (17) such store�s l�ocate�d iin the States of MN, MO, and IN)
<br />7' and will n�ot be cash�iin ch�e�cks thl at wou�l�d require separate l�iice�n�siin , n�or will th�e r be se�e�kiin licensure for
<br />8 sell iin uin�s or porn�ograph iic mmate�riial�s.
<br />9 Mr. Lloyd adviise�d thl at re�pre�se�n�tatiive�s of the Roseville Police Department and Planning Diiviisiion tad mme�t
<br />10 pre�viiouisl�y to re�viie�w the proposal of Red Dog Holdings to establish a pawn shop irn the vacant te�n�an�t
<br />11 space at Rose�wood Shopping Ce�n�te�r. Mr. Lloyd meted thl at at thl at m�e�e�tiin�g, the Police Department
<br />12, iin�diicate�d th�at the �y head a good re�l�atiion�sh�iip with Pawn Am�e�ri�ca and wou�l�d expect a siimmiil�ar re�l�atiion�sh�iip
<br />13 with Cast -n1 -Pawns with the Police representative fu rth�e�r statiin thl at Ciity Code, Se�ctiion 3,11
<br />14 (Pawnbrokers and Pre�ciiouis Metal Dealers ) gove�rn�e�d the l�iice�n�siin and operational requirements for such
<br />15 arises.
<br />16 Mr. Lloyd adviise�d thl at Police Department staff iin�diicate�d th�at a pawn shop is n�o more l�iike�l�y to have illegal
<br />17' activity ®r police calls trans a general retail bulsi�n�e�ss; u n�l�e�ss a substantial increase nn police calls due t®
<br />18 illegal actiiviitiie�s or l�oiite�riin irn the parkiin lot was fouin�d, at which time the CUP wou�l�d be re�viisiite�d, and
<br />19 was addressed irn staff's re�co mmme�n�de�d conditions as detained irn the project report related to monitoring
<br />2,0 calls to the site and diiscre�tiion of the Police Department.
<br />21 Staff re�commmme�n�de�d APPROVAL of the request for a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow the proposed
<br />2,2, pawn shop to operate irn� compliance with the re�q�u iire�m�e�n�ts and re�guil�atiion�s e�stabl�iish�e�d irn� Roseville Ciity
<br />2,3 C ode, Sections 1005.015, 1013.01 and 3,11; leased on the commmme�n�ts and findings ou�tl�nn�e�d nn Sections 5
<br />24 and 6, and subject t® conditions detailed nn Secti on 7 ®t the project report dated April 2, 2008.
<br />2,5 Commissioner Wozniitak q�u�esti1one+ d whe+ thie�r itt was appropriate to have a conidiltiloni of approval til at the
<br />1
<br />2,6 Cnty ''r Police Department be re�q�uiire�d to provide additional monitoring.
<br />2,"'7' Mr. Lloyd re�spon de�d that th�iis was for the purpose of re�iite�ratiin g notice to the applicant that there wou�l�d be
<br />2,8 on monitoring, and tl�at monitoring wou�l�d be u�se�d as a resource to evaluate cri�te�ri�a for con"ttnn"tu�inn"tg
<br />2,9 the CUP sh�ouil�d an�y probl�um�s devel op.
<br />30 Dinscu�ssin on nn�cl�u�de�d the preference ®t the Police Department to avoiid assigning an arbitrary numerical
<br />31 th�re�sh�ol�d as part ®t the approval criteria, and cl�arnfncatn on ®t the Iocation ®t Pawn Amme�rican nn Roseville
<br />32, (Rice Stre�e�t at Larpe�n te�uir Ave�n�u e�).
<br />33 Comp m�uin�iity De�ve�l�opm�e�n t Director Truidge�on adviise�d that the pawn shop license was any additional
<br />34 monitoring device for the applicant for day-to-day ope�ratiion s, with an y violations pote�n tiial�l�y cauisiin g the
<br />35 CUP to become voiid as well as th�e�iir license re�voke�d.
<br />36 Commissioner Doh�e�rty sou�gh�t verification that the pawn shop wou�l�d n of be offe�riin g ch�e�ck cash iin g
<br />3 7' se�rviice�s or pay day Ivan" s.
<br />38 Mr. Lloyd adviise�d that the pawn shop wou�l�d n of be offering such se�rviice�s, and clarified that those
<br />39 se�rvice�s would fall uin�deer different City, Cou�n�ty an d/or State licensing crite�rla and requirements, and were
<br />,40 n of part of this Ian" d use application" .
<br />41 Commissioner Boe�riigte'r q�uie'stiionee'd iif the CUP wou�l�d apple onsl�y to the propose d space at thins tii mle', or if iit
<br />,42, could be e�xpan de�d to include additional square footage withiin the same strip ce�n�te�r.
<br />,43 Mr. Lloyd adviise�d that a CUP was re�corde�d with Ramsey Cou�n ty and staye�d with the property, n of the
<br />44 applicant; and advised thl at th�iis applicant wou�l�d need a n�e�w CUP to operate at a different locati on, and
<br />,45 cou�l�d operate on the property identified in the CUP applicati on.
<br />,46 Mr. Truidge�on� suigge�ste�d that the Com�m�iissiion� could spe�ciifiical�l�y con diitiion th�e�iir actiion on tyiin g the CUP
<br />,4 7' appl�iicatiion to a specific piece of property wiith�iin� the striip m�al�l�, as well as a con�diitiion� specifying th�at n�o
<br />,48 cash l�e�n�di�n�g wou�l�d be al�l�owe�d; th�u�s m�akiin�g it n�e�ce�ssary for the applicant to apply for an amme�n�dmme�n�t to
<br />,49 the CUP for an�y additional ope�rat! on�s to make sure the City and puibl�ic were aware ®t those ch�an�ge�s.
<br />50 Applicant, Mark Smith, 195415 Hampshire Court, Prior Lake, MN (owner and CEO of Cash-n-Pawn)
<br />51 Mr. Smith adviise�d that he operated a com�biin e�d eighteen (18) store�s iin� the state�s of MN, MO and IN, with
<br />52, ten (10 ) ®t those stored in MN; and thl at the company head been in ht. �si�mess for twenty-one (21 ) years.
<br />