Mr. Smith n�ote'd a favorable article fe'atuiriin h�iis buisiin�e'ss iin today s e'diitiion ®t the Minneapolis
<br />54 Star/Tribune iin Col�u�rm biia He'iIghits, with the propose'd Roseville store t® be rmode'l�e'd after that one'.
<br />55 Mr. Smith re'viie'we'd h�iis coope'ratiion with all juiriisdiictiion�s iin identifying an y stol�e'n prope'rty; an�d h�iis pro-
<br />56 active legislative activity an�d suipport ®t the Automatic Pawn Syste'rm (APS) cormpuite'riize'd purchase an�d
<br />5 7' iimve'mtory syste'rm iim Minnesota amd a fe'w oth�e'r state's.
<br />58 Mr. Smith re'viie'we'd the purchase proce'ss, with e've'ry transacfion poste'd t® the Bureau ®t Criminal
<br />59 Appre'h�e'n�siion BCA) cormpuite'r syste'rm, an�d available t® all MN Police Departments an�d oth�e'r l�aw
<br />60 e'n�force'rme'n�t age'n�ciie's. Mr. Smith assuire'd Commissioners, an�d the pui bl�iic, that h�iis buisiin�e'ss was uin�de'r
<br />61 con�stan�t monitoring as part ®t the l�iice'n�siin�g proce'ss, an�d he suipporte'd an�d coope'rate'd with all l�aw
<br />62, e'r�force'mme'n�t juiriisdiictiion�s and age'r�ciie's.
<br />63 Mr. Smith adviise'd that l�e'ss than one pe'rce'nt (1 %) ®t h�iis buisiin�e'ss re'suil�te'd iin iite'rms stol�e'n�, due t®
<br />64 iimmprove'd digital ph�otograph�y and te'ch�n ol�ogy. Mr. Smith adviise'd that he died n ®t purchase gulnis,
<br />65 porn�ograph�iic rmate'riial�s; died n ®t perfbrrm ch�e'ck cash�iin�g ®r pay day loan se'rviice's; with th�iirty pe'rce'nt (3,0%)
<br />66 of hits bu, silne+ ss se+ rviIng as a l�oan to advance mone+ y on itte�m�s he+ Id, an�d if n�ot re+ paitd itn a ce�rtaitn�
<br />6 7' tiim�e'fram�e', he thee'n� cou�l�d sell the m�e'rch�anodiise'. Mr. Smith adviise'd that he was amenable to ano y
<br />68 conditions the Cormrmiissiion wiish�e'd t® appl�y; and assuire'd three �m that that am municipal police de'partme'nt
<br />69 contacte'd wound speak h�iigh�l r ®t h�iis ope'ratii on.
<br />70 Commissioner WozniiIak q�u�e�stiIonie�d Mr. Smith oAli power e�q�u�iIpm�e�nit pu�rchiases anid practices (iI.e�.,
<br />71 gasoline remaining in� e'q u, iIpm�e'nit while itn� the store' ), due to the propose d l�ocatilon� itn� a m�u�l�tit -tee n�anit
<br />72, buiiIl dii nag .
<br />73 Mr. Smith adviise'd that n�o gasoline con�tailne'rs were al�l�owe'd, and e'q�uiilpme'nt world on�l r have fuel uip to a
<br />74 ce'rtaiin le've'l, iin� compliance with Fire Code requirements, base'd one the type of e'q�uiiipme'nt. Mr. Smith
<br />.1
<br />75 adviise'd that he and h�iis managers made e've'ry attempt t® monitor the e'q�uiiipme'nt; and adviise'd that
<br />76 landlords l�e'asiin�g space iin m�uil�tii-tenant buiiil�diin�gs held l�e'sse'e's accountable f ®r th�e�iir ope'ratii ons, iin addiitiion�
<br />7-7 t® the Ciity; and note'd the siim�iil�ar m�uil�tii-tenant faciil�iity ope'ratii ons iin Coon Rapids, with the Coon Rapids
<br />78 landl ord providing a le'tte'r ®t re'comme'ndatiion t® the Roseville landl ord ®n Mr. Sm�iith�"s buisiine'ss
<br />79 ope'ratiions.
<br />80 City ©t Roseville Police Department, Lt. ©t Operations Lorne Rosand
<br />81 Lt. Rosan�d re'viie'we'd the De'partme'nt"s experience with the e'xiistiing pawns shop iin� Rose'viil�l�e', Pawns
<br />82, Ame'riica, and note'd that thee' y m�aiin�taiine'd e'xce'l�l�e'nt re'l�atiion�sh iips with all of those m�anage'rs. Lt. Rosan�d
<br />83 conncuirre'd with Mr. Smliithl "s de'scriiptiionn of the purchase proce'ss, and note'd that any spiike's iin� police cal�l�s
<br />84 with pawn shops were uisuial�l r cc good Calls" where a law enforcement age'ncy was recovering stol�e'n
<br />85 property, due to the su�pe'riior commpuite'r monitoring of puirch�ase's. Lt. Rosan�d opiine'd that, iin� h�iis
<br />86 experience of pe'rformitn�g investigations over the lent te'n� (10) ye'ars, he Arad e'xpe'rile'n�ce'd n�o negative
<br />8 7' de'al�iin�gs iin� pawns shop buisiine'sse's. Lt. Rosan�d note'd that serial n�uimbe'rs e'nte're'd iin�to the com�puite'r
<br />88 system at the time ®t puirch�ase', as well as imaging ®t those puirch�ase's, and re'q�uiiire'me'nt t ®r identification
<br />89 and ph�otograph�iin�g ®t cuistome'rs and that data be'iing e'nte're'd iint® the state-wide APS system; and
<br />90 uinannouince'd visits by law e'nforce'me'nt age'n�ciie's t® compare re'cords with actual pawned iite'ms all se'rve'd
<br />91 t® improve law enforcement re'cove'ry ®t stol�e'n iite'ms and suibse'q�uie'nt le' al actiion as appl�iicabl�e'.
<br />92, Diiscuissiionn be'twe'e'n commissioners and Lt. Rosan�d iincl�uide'd no negative re'ports or iin�formatiionn on any.
<br />93 Cashi -n�-Pawns ope'ratiton�s; l�iIce'n�sitn�g proce'sse's and investigations; lac k of evidence of any itn�cre'ase'd crime
<br />94 arouin�d pawn slips; and identification ®t cuistome'rs and th�e'iir signed state'me'nts at the time ®t sale', along
<br />95 with th�e'iir identification, as pe'r City ordiin�ance', verifying that the prope'rty be'l�on�gs t® that iin�diiviiduIal�, and iif
<br />96 miisre'pre'se'nte'd, the se'lle'r wound be subject t® miisde'me'an ®r Charge's.
<br />97 Mr. Smith addre'sse'd conce'rns re'gardiing je'we'lry sale's and h ®w that wound be tracked, since serial
<br />98 n�uim e'rs were n ®t avaiil�abl�e', n�otiin�g that fift y-one pe'rce'nt (51 %) ®t hies buisiine'ss was j I e'we'l�ry, with je'we'l�ry.
<br />99 we'iighe'd, am diistiin�guiiish�iin�g marl's de'taine'd iin the de'scriiptiion�, as well as a photograph ®t the iIte'm. Mr.
<br />.1
<br />100 Smith assuire'd the com�m�iissiion that he was n ®t promoting crime and that iit was detrimental t® hies
<br />10 1 buisiine'ss to purchase stol�e'n me'rchandiise'; and opiine'd that se'l�l�iing stol�e'n merchandise at a pawn sh�op
<br />102, was the be'st way to ge't cauigh�t, since a digital photo was take'n of the se'l�l�e'r. Mr. Smith adviise'd that, if he
<br />103 re'ce'iive'd stol�e'n me'rchandiise', he took the Ions, as the merchandise its confiscated and head al�re'ady
<br />104 e'xpe'nde'd the cash�, with little or n�o chance of re'stiituitiionn of those moniie's tromp the cuil�priit.
<br />105 Commissioner Doh�e'rty assuIre'd Mr. Smith thiat the Com�m�ilssiloni was e'xpe'rile'ncilng the "l�e'arniing curve" as
<br />106 the' y came to be'tte'r uinde'rstand th�iis type of buisiine'ss.
<br />