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opiln�e�d that the more he learned, the more comfortable he was with th�ils proposed use, n�otiin�g the n�u�mibe�r <br />2,66 ®f re�strilctilon�s anId re�guIl�atilon�s. <br />2,67 Comm ilssiIon�e�r Boo+ `iIgte�r concurred with Comm ilssiIon�e�r Doh% e�rty 11 s original perception of the CUP, <br />2,68 ani tilcilpatilni little enthusiasm for a pawn shop; however, after l�e�ari ilni more abouIt the bulsilnee�ss an�d <br />2,69 re UIIatiIoni s, in addition to the positive workiln�g re�l�atiIonish�itp with law enforcement, he spoke in su�pport of <br />270 the project. Com�m i1ssi1on�e�r Boe�ri�gte�r re�viIe�we�d the concerns e�xpre�sse�d du riIn�g pu�bl�iIc comment (iI.e�., crime <br />271 an�d traffiIc), bult clarified th�at ton i�gh�t"s discussion an�d consideration was for the pawn sh�op use. <br />2"72, Com�m�ilssilon�e�r Boe�rilgte�r n�ote�d that m�anay comments were made about traffic an�d the apartm�e�n�t complex, <br />2"73 not about the pawn shop use, an�d opilnee�d that there were othee�r uses allowable in th�ils zone itng dilstrilct <br />2"74 under a CUP that wou�l�d create more traffiIc, and fuIrth�e�r opiln�e�d th�at the pawn shop wou�l�d not significantly <br />2"75 iim�pact traffic. Re�l�ate�d to crime concerns, Com�m�iissiion e�r Boe�riigte�r note�d the te�stiim�on y of Lt. Rosa td that <br />2"76 n�o additional crime was an�tiiciipate�d from the pawn shop uIse�, or had been e�xpe�riie�n�ce�d from siim�iil�ar <br />2 7­7 ope�ratiion s. Com�m�iissiion e�r Boe�riigte�r adviise�d that, now that he be�tte�r uIn�de�rstood the appl�iican�t"s bu siinee�ss <br />2"78 model and the pawn proce�ss, and base�d on City Code for CUP approval, that state�s that upon m�e�e�tiin�g <br />2"79 certain tests or criteria, the use was allowable an�d approval was iin�diicate�d. Com�m�iissiion�e�r Boe�riigte�r <br />2,80 noted that people's s juIdgm�e�n�t could be clouded bas'e'd on ste�re�otype�s anId pe�rce�ptilon�s of clientele at pawn <br />281 slips, in addition to questions of whether th�ils was ideal for Rose�vill�l�e'. Howe've'r, Comm milssilon�e'r Boe�rilgte�r <br />2,82, opilnle'd th�at, while he uIn�de�rstood concerns as e'xpre'sse'd, anId was n ®t orilgiln�al�l r supportive of the CUP, <br />2,83 he wouIl�d vote to support it. Comm milssilon�e'r Boe�rilgte'r fuIrth�e�r opiln�e�d that the use wouIl�d n ®t prove <br />284 detrimental to the nIe'ilgh�borh�ood, bult th�at if a huge increase in calls was e�xpe�rile�n�ce�d dilre�ctl�y re�l�ate�d to <br />2,85 the pawn shl op, he trulste�d the Cilty" Police De�partmme�n�t to take actilon�, base�d on the re�strilctilon�s of the <br />2,86 pawn shop license re�q�ulitre�m�e�n�ts. <br />2,8 7' Ch�aiIr Bakernan opiln�e�d that it was unusual anId unfortunate that th�ils n�e�ilgh�borh�ood Mad experienced s'® <br />2,88 m�anly appl�ilcatilon�s ove�r the last fe'w m�onith�s; while recognizing th�at a l�an�dl�ord wouIl�d watt to lease <br />2,89 prope�rty to a good tenant. Ch�aiIr Bakernan also noted that she'd been skeptical of a pawn shop use; <br />2,90 h�owe�ve�r, after h�e�arilnlg from Lt. Rosan�d anId Mr. Smi i�th�, she was l�e�ss ske�ptilcal�; while also e�xpre�ssiln�g trust <br />291 in the Commmmuln�ilty De�ve�l�opmme�n�t De�partmme�n�t staff to ensure that the e�xte�riIor of the bulill�dilnlg wouIl�d be up to <br />2,92, code. Ch�ai�r Bakernan spoke in su�pport of the CUP. <br />0 0 <br />AL <br />IS 111411r.111911it- <br />W 0 <br />Jill, <br />8 [v'4 III Lail 9 <br />