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r') K3) diidn�"t believe the operation ®f tiliis store wound significantly increase crime ®r iim�pact puck l�iic ile�al�thl, safety <br />214 an d welfare. <br />215 Comm miissiion�e�r Gottfriie�d spoke as a couin�te�rpoiin�t t® Comm miissiion�e�r Dohle�rty, adviisiin�g thlat ile�"d come i�n�to <br />2 �6 the mme�e�tiin�g skeptical ®f the iide'a ®f a pawn silop; anId he mmaiinitaiinle'd thlat skepticism based on the <br />com�m�e�n�ts ®f the re'siide'nIts. Comm miissiion�e'r Gottfriie�d opiinle'd thlat tiliis went be'yonld the cl�assiic "Not in My <br />218 Backyard (NIMBY)" attiItulde�, anId tilanke <br />��d the com�m�uin�iity for com�iin�g t® the mme�e�tiin�g anId e'xpre'ssiinlg the�itr <br />219 con�ce�rn�s. Comm miissiion�e'r Gottfried con�cuirre�d with re'siide'nIts spe'akiinlg, thlat tibia specific n�e�iighlborhlood <br />2,2 ,0 ilad seen a I ®t ®f chlan�ge�s in the l�ast fe'w m�on�th�s. Com�m�iissiion�e'r Gottfried spoke in opposition t® the <br />221 appl�iIcatiIon�, agre�e�itn�g with the n�e�itgh�borh�ood posiltiIo�1, opitn�itng thl at the additional anod re�viIseed con�diltiIon�s <br />2,2,2, wou l dn "t change hIits mliinId. <br />2,2 ,3 Comlmliissiionee'r Martinson q�uie'stiionee'd hIow staff could appre'ciiabl r measure the impact of the use on the <br />224 m�arke�t value of con tiiguiouis prope'rtiie's, as de�taiil�e�d in Section 6.5 of the staff report, specific to residential <br />22,5 prope'rtiie's, not tilat of the striae mall or othee�r commercial prope�rtiie�s. <br />2,2,6 Mr. Lloyd adviise�d th�at, while staff was unable to perform a m�arke�t an�al�ysiis, the Comprehensive Plan an�d <br />22"7 Zon�iing Ordiin�ance�, both of which allow uise�s iincl�uidiing pawn shops, con siide�reed the com�path biil�iity of <br />2,2,8 adjace�nit l�amd use cate�goriie�s amd zonliinlg diistriicts in an atte�mmpt minimize am y negative iimlpacts iimcl�uidiimg <br />2,2,9 reduction of prope�rty val�uie�s. Mr. Lloyd fuirthee�r e�xpl�aiinee�d tilat, because the prop seed use was al�l�owe�d iin <br />IT;=- � 004RT ilRoliPLiWoToToW-ToloWiT;KoroTi,707QT 10"Imm- �Rlllm RF Ilral"Worom=11 =I- OWITSM17Z <br />231 pawn shop wou�l�d not have adverse iim�pacts on the value of n�e�arby prope�rtiie�s. <br />2,32, Com�m�iissiion e�r Gottfried opiin�e�d th�at h its concern was because of the nature of the CUP, while recognizing <br />2,33 t�lat Mr. Smliithl "s buisiinle'ss ope�ratiions appe'are'd to be be'yonld reproach anId wasnI "t conce'rnIe'd about a <br />234 criminal e'l�e�mme'nIt, anId thlat the CUP fol�l�owe�d the prope�rty, n�ot the ownle'r, anId a different future ownle'r moray <br />2,35 n�ot be as de'siirabl�e', buit allowed t® continue ope�ratiinlg bas'e'd on an approved use uinlde'r the CUP. <br />2,36 Ch�aiir Bakernan nIote'd thlat each ownle'r wound have t® g® through the l�iice'nIsiinlg anId backgroui n�d <br />2 3 7' ilni ve�stilgatilonr . <br />2,38 Comm miissiion�e'r Gottfried re'cognliize'd that part ®f the process, however, opiinle'd that he was con�ce�rn�e�d with <br />2,39 what image the Ciity wanite'd t® cre'ate', anId what iit was tryiinlg t® project. <br />240 Comm miissiion�e'r Best opiinle'd that, as a re'ce'nIt nIe'w re'siide'nIt t® Rose'viil�l�e', he couil�dn�"t say that puirc lasiin�g a <br />2 41 home in a n�e�iighlborhlood with a pawn shop nIe'arby wound be de'siirabl�e'; buit q�uie'stiion�e'd the condition <br />242, com�pariin�g tiliis operation t® Pawn Arnerica, since tiler were located in very diiffe're'nIt l�ocatiion�s. <br />2 43 Comm miissiion�e'r Best fuIrthle�r opiinle'd that iit appe'are'd that mmanly ®f the police cal�l�s t® the Pawn Arnerica <br />244 store were t® retrieve mme'rcI�amdiisee, amd nlot iimdiicatiimg l�oiite�riinlg at suirrou�nmdiimg are'as'. Comm miissiionme'r Beest <br />245 re'cognliize'd Comm miissiion�e'r Gottfried s concern with the CUP fol�l�owiin�g the prope�rty. <br />246 Comm miissiion�e'r Wozn�iiak addre'sse'd safety anId se�cuiriity con�ce�rn�s e'xpre'sse'd by n�e�iighl bors duiriinlg puIbl�iIc <br />24, comlmle�nit, amd re'cogmiize'd th�e'iir concern abouit a l�iiq�u�or store amd a pawn shop in the me'ar viiciinliity. <br />248 Howe�ve�r, Com' m' itssiIonie�r Wozn�ilak opitne+ d that, given th�its appl�iIcan�t"s experience anid track re�cord, th�its <br />249 mar be a beneficial catal�yst for improvernent in the n�e�iighrh <br />�bogood, with a more pron�ou�n�ce�d law <br />2,50 e�nforce�m�e�n�t presence due to the pawn shop. Compm�iissiion�e�r Wozn�iiak q�uie�stiionee�d why the Har Mar <br />251 Apart�e�mt co�pl�e� x owme�rs were mot pre�se�mt duiriimg tonmiigh�t"s h�e�ariimg to e�xpre�ss opposiitiionm, when th�e�y <br />2,5 2, were puittiin�g several million dollars ®f improvernents an�d n�e�w construction at th�e�iir ante', an�d suigge'ste'd <br />2,53 that tiliis seerned t® indicate that thley appare'n�tl r were n�ot con�ce�rn�e�d with an�y iin�cre'ase'd crime from tiliis <br />254 proposal�. <br />2,55 Com�mmiissiion� e'r Wozn�iiak suigge'ste'd that the Ciity 11 s Com�mmuinliity Affairs Officers reach oust t® thkis <br />2,56 nle�iighlborhlood t® encourage nle�iighlborhlood organization for cri'me pre've'nitiionn . <br />2,5 7' Com�m�uin�iity De�ve�l�opm�e�n�t Director Trudgeon adviise�d that he wou�l�d al�e�rt the Police De�partm�e�n�t to th�its <br />2,58 suigge'stiion� ; spe�ciifiical�l r t® the De�partmme'nit"s n�e�w Commmmuin�iity Re�l�atiion� s Coordiin�ator Sarahl Mahlmmuid, wil® <br />2,59 works with those type's ®f n�e�iighlborhlood watch grouips. <br />2,60 Com�m�iissiion�e'r Gottfriie�d opiin�e�d that, while Ali® re'pre'se'n�tatiive's ®r te'n�an�ts from the Har Mar Apartm�e�n�ts <br />2 61 were pre'se'nt t® spe'ak, re'siide'n�ts from Rose�wood Village were pre'se'nt, an�d thley also ilad all iin�ve'stmme'nit <br />2 62, in th�e�iir co�'ldomi <br />�In�i�ulm s, which were adjace' n�t t® the propose�d proje�ct. <br />2,63 Com�h'� ilssilon� e�r Wozn�ilak note�d Com�h'� ilssilon� e�r Gottfrile�d 11 s com�m�e�n� ts; h <br />