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<br />Steven, Sa,rkoz,y
<br />August 1989
<br />At the July 2,41, 1989, meeting, it seemed that each council membe
<br />41
<br />had a slightly diLfferent position, regarding the pathway, In an
<br />attempt to reach a clompromise and expedite the project, the staf
<br />recommends, the following compromise alternate: I
<br />LociataLlon — both sides (stage construction)
<br />1
<br />29 Width 5' feet
<br />3 . Boulevard, w idth �-, 4 to 6 f eeti
<br />4. Rilght-of-way re1quired to, 2 feet,, east side
<br />in 11
<br />5. Other requirement -- cent,erili,ne shifted 3 feet west.
<br />_q
<br />This alternate would have the following assumptions an
<br />co,Ttditions:
<br />FAU funds would be applied f or, to fund construction of th
<br />A
<br />east Pathway. The application, would be submitted in earl
<br />199001 1
<br />6
<br />Cons, i0deration of the east s I'de, pathway would be done jLn
<br />mid 1,990, pending a decision on the FAU proJect funding
<br />application.
<br />a Ct
<br />3, As part, of the Ramsey County proje . pathway would be
<br />built on the west side only, but the boulevard would be
<br />gradied on, the east side to accommodate • future pathway,
<br />1 0
<br />.1-119 Is, M inimum boulevard width of 4 felet is required f or proper
<br />placement of signs and preservat ion of vegetation.
<br />5,, Pathway would meander to avloild. vegetation and other f inxed
<br />,objects while maintaining the minimum boulevard width.
<br />6e The cientierline would be shifted 3 feet westerly to
<br />11 ' 11
<br />minimize riight�of-wiay acquisition.
<br />7,. Maximum, right-of-way width of 2 feet would be purchased on
<br />the east si'de. In most cases,, no right-of-way would be
<br />needed since boulevard would only be 6 feet at sign
<br />vi
<br />locations,, every 30 O feet,
<br />it 'is, recommended that this item be discussed with the council at
<br />the work siession ion August 21, 198919i If the council reaches some
<br />clonsensus, the matter can be forwarded to the August 28,, 1989r
<br />meeting for, flonal consideration,.
<br />