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PAGE 21, <br />CONT%D (OPPOSTION T O REZONING OF PROPERTY), <br />These are siome of' the reasons the nelighborhood, is againist this proposal <br />0 In the past whein Hig,h,wia,y *8, was a, major highway there was a gas station <br />built at, this sitek There were few problems because the owner had hours <br />from �6 a.m. toi about, B pomlol I and kepit, the pilace we] I UDder control. The <br />e "d,erate, to the neighbors-i Af'ter change of property <br />ownr was clonsi <br />problems started to arise. <br />1. Became hangout for kids <br />V? <br />6W a Diump l* Dg Of' Oil on the ground <br />3�. Cars left vacant on the property for weeks at a time <br />is, such, o hii <br />4. Dumpling of deb as ld ghway pavement <br />5 Some obberies occurred, <br />0 The gas statioij, <br />b,u,rneid dolwin two and <br />half years ago, thiS <br />scared all the <br />, 'ntsi, w0th, <br />de <br />rels 1, 1 <br />the piossil'ble chance, <br />of <br />explosion with the <br />gas pumps,. <br />Aftler the fiLrie, <br />t,he foundation was <br />left <br />sit,ting open for <br />quite Some tILMe., <br />with the chanice <br />that someone could <br />fall <br />in it, or drive in <br />it after fresh <br />sniow fell,. Aft,eir calls to the Village <br />of Roseville, the <br />owner finally <br />excialvated thiebasement with fill. <br />0 The land was leflt vacant with no maintenance, letting long weeds to. grow, <br />and treat in a haven for free loader's looking for a place to dump their <br />dis,carded, garbage. <br />0 At some time the owners permitted tons Of CODCre- te to lie dumped on this <br />pro plerty, which he,lpe,d t attract new dumpers. <br />01 We arie presently stuck wilith a absent neighbor$ who apparen <br />care milu,c,h about his neighbors. The neighbors certainly are justified <br />in not wanting an�ot�her, "GIAS STATIONI with a owner who doesn't <br />GIVE A HOOT,, at ou,r expens,e of properity depreication,. <br />0 Th,ere, 'is a coinveniencei store and gas station within about 1 mile of this <br />pit-opierty, to the north, west, easit', and south. This area certainly doesn't <br />need another, one, it's, over saturated <br />'This area is now resident iall and c mmerical property is not wanted, nor <br />is it needed.. With all, the commerical property in Roseville, lets <br />leave some residential. iD, Roseville. <br />9 <br />44.* <br />6A <br />