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Attachment E <br /> PLANNING FILE 07-017 <br /> Request by MN State Fair for renewed approval of ten (10)temporary park and ride facilities as an <br /> INTERIM USE at 2025 Skillman Avenue; 2131 Fairview Avenue; 1310 County Road B-2; 965 Larpenteur <br /> 4. Avenue; 1240 County Road B-2; 2865 Hamline Avenue; 1660 County Road B;2120 Lexington Avenue; <br /> 1524 County Road C-2; and 2048 Hamline Avenue <br /> Chair Boerigter opened the Public Hearing at 6:37 p.m. <br /> Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd summarized the request of the Minnesota State Fair for renewed <br /> approval of nine (9)temporary park and ride facilities as INTERIM USES—now reduced from the original <br /> request for ten (10)with exclusion of the park and ride at Bethany Baptist Church at 2025 Skillman <br /> Avenue. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that initial staff discussions among Community Development and Police Department <br /> staff included safety concerns of the Police Department with buses stopping in rights-of-way. During <br /> those discussions, it was determined that the only actual concern was at St. Michaels' Lutheran along <br /> 4. County Road B and concerns of the Police Department in buses stopping along that right-of-way. When <br /> those concerns were shared with State Fair representatives with staff noting the overall goal to get the <br /> buses off the right-of-way, and an alternative to instead have them stop on church property, Mr. Lloyd <br /> advised that the church parking lot pavement was not suitable for a bus vehicle weight. Mr. Lloyd noted <br /> mm that the only other alternative would be to route the buses along neighborhood streets along that block <br /> if not using County Road B for loading/unloading; with Police Chief Mathwig determining that continuing <br /> to use the County Road B right-of-way would still be preferable to routing the buses onto residential <br /> neighborhoods. <br /> Mr. Lloyd reviewed the background section of the staff report (Section 4.1)for the initial Interim Use <br /> Permit issued in 2002; and renewals sought every five (5)years for the park and ride sites as indicated. <br /> Mr. Lloyd highlighted specific areas of review by staff and for consideration by the Commission and <br /> subsequently by the City Council. <br /> 1) Whether the proposed use is damaging to property and would provide any future additional <br /> costs the City should it be necessary for the City to take over any of the parcels based on the <br /> mm temporary park and ride sites creating a more intense use of a parking lot (e.g. hazardous <br /> materials or clean up of contamination). <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that staff was convinced that there would be no long-term issues that would <br /> have a negative impact for the City. <br /> 2) Whether the proposed temporary park and ride sites created any excess burden on the City's <br /> parks or other City facilities (e.g. streets). <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted the focus of a number of negative comments received and included in the staff <br /> report related to fair goers parking on streets when the park and ride lots are full, creating <br /> difficulties for residents on those streets (e.g. mail service,their personal visitor parking, <br /> blocking fire hydrants, parking close to stop signs) and the inconveniences placed on residents <br /> for the duration of the fair. However, Mr. Lloyd noted that many of those providing comment <br /> also recognized the value of the park and ride sites and supported them. Mr. Lloyd noted that <br /> some residents suggested parking allowed only on one side of a street; however, he noted that <br /> this created an issue from a regulation standpoint with no way to enforce it if not a standard <br /> legal prohibition. If the Police Department were to attempt enforcing it,from a practical level <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted that an officer would have to actually observe the people get out of a specific <br /> vehicle and determine their purpose in parking there. While this remained an ongoing issue with <br /> overflow parking using neighborhood streets during the duration of the fair and for the many <br /> Page 1 of 5 <br />