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Attachment E <br /> Tim Ackerman, neighbor of Mr. Kruzer, 1377 Eldridge Avenue <br /> Mr. Ackerman advised that he was a neighbor of Mr. Kruzer, but was in favor of renewal of the Interim <br /> Use for St. Rose of Lima's temporary park and ride. Mr.Ackerman opined that it was a great service and <br /> a lot of his neighbors used it. <br /> Mr. Ackerman advised that his concern was that this summer, two of his neighbors (1365 and 1371 <br /> Eldridge Avenue) had put up "No Parking" signs on their own on the only side of the street that had <br /> parking designated; and living adjacent to those addresses,the parking problems were simply moved <br /> mm further down the street to him and other neighbors. Mr. Ackerman questioned the legality of neighbors <br /> installing such signs on their own. <br /> 14 0 Mr. Paschke advised that such signage was not permitted; and typically"No Parking" signs were only <br /> approved by the City's Public Works Director; and noted that such signage would not have been <br /> 142 approved. Mr. Paschke advised that the City had signed those areas where it was not appropriate to <br /> 14 3 park for specific reasons; but that, unfortunately,the rest of a neighborhood was fair game for parking <br /> Ill 44. during special events, such as the fair. <br /> 145 Mr. Ackerman noted that the signs installed by neighbors simply limited parking even more. <br /> 14 6 Chair Boerigter asked that, if the neighbors installed signs again without prior permission from the City, <br /> that staff be contacted to talk to those neighbors. <br /> mm Mr. Ackerman spoke in support of showing a phone number/contact person on the signs to immediate <br /> 14 9 contact for specific situations that arise. As a volunteer at the St. Rose of Lima park and ride, Mr. <br /> Ackerman opined that it provided good benefits for all and he was in favor of continuing the tradition. <br /> Commission Deliberation <br /> 152 Chair Boerigter opined that the question appeared to be if it was the desire of residents to have no state <br /> fair parking to allow residents to park on their streets; or if it was the intent to have no state fair parking <br /> 154 on a street because it constricted the street for pedestrians and children using the street due to the <br /> 155 increased number of cars parked on the street. <br /> Mr. Lloyd opined that it was some of both, with roadways constricted by additional vehicle parking; and <br /> inconveniences in residents not being able to park on the street in front of their own homes. <br /> mm Discussion included problematic for residents being limited to parking in front of their own homes <br /> during the fair, especially those neighborhoods with streets designed for one-side parking only; and <br /> difficulties in enforcing parking and identifying the vehicles and intent of their owners. <br /> Member Gisselquist, as a resident near the Corpus Christi park and ride; questioned if a portion of the <br /> Fairview Community Center parking lot couldn't be used for overflow parking during the duration of the <br /> State Fair; opining that the opportunity to find additional revenues would be beneficial for all. <br /> Chair Boerigter closed the Public Hearing at 7:10 p.m.; no one appeared for or against. <br /> MOTION <br /> Member Boerigter moved,seconded by Member Gisselquist seconded,to RECOMMEND TO THE CITY <br /> ," COUNCIL renewed approval of five (5)-year INTEIRM USES for the Minnesota State Fair to continue <br /> mm operating park and ride facilities at nine(9)church and school locations; based on the comments and <br /> findings of Sections 4-6,and the recommendation of Section 7 of the staff report dated November 2, <br /> 2011. <br /> Member Wozniak, on a non-related note, encouraged State Fair representatives to work with area <br /> recyclers to add recycling containers to the park and ride sites. <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />