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Attachment E <br /> In the list of conditions for approval of the Interim Use renewals, Member Boguszewski questioned how <br /> many were long-stranding and how many were new requirements. <br /> Mr. Lloyd responding that none were new, but some had been modified, specifically Conditions A and E. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that Condition A had originally been for a operation hours to be from 8:00 a.m. to <br /> midnight; however, since review of code requirements for churches,their start times were at 7:00 a.m. <br /> and for consistency with other City code parameters, it didn't make sense to have different start times. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that Condition E was based on the comment received from Ms. Shroyer as previously <br /> referenced related to signage on properties,with staff amending that sign visibility as it came to their <br /> attention. <br /> Applicant Representative,Steve Grans,Transportation Manager, Minnesota State Fair <br /> Mr. Grans was present and concurred with staff's presentation and had no further comments. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted that multiple written comments had been received by staff before tonight's meeting, <br /> and were included as part of agenda packet materials. As previously referenced and discussed, <br /> additional comments were received after the packet was distributed from Sarah Shroyer, 1283 Eldridge <br /> Avenue W, attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> Tom Kruzer, 1368 Eldridge Avenue (west side of Hamline Avenue) <br /> Mr. Kruzer advised that Eldridge allowed parking on only one side of the street (north side), as well as <br /> adjacent Belmont Avenue. Mr. Kruzer advised that State Fair parking removed the limited residential <br /> parking available. Mr. Kruzer noted that they had attended the Open House held by the State Fair <br /> mm representatives as part of this Interim Use renewal application; and had addressed those concerns to <br /> Mr. Grans as well. As a resident of the northwest Como area, Mr. Grans apparently recognized the <br /> concerns of Mr. Kruzer; however, in order to address neighborhood concerns with on-street parking for <br /> overflow from the park and ride facilities, Mr. Gran advised that the streets would need to be posted <br /> "No Parking,"which would create a further nuisance and frustrations for residents.Therefore, Mr. <br /> Kruzer opined that there was no possible way to work around the issue. Mr. Kruzer noted that,while <br /> this was a nuisance for neighbors, it was also difficult during the duration of the State Fair for children to <br /> ride their bikes in the neighborhood, since there were no sidewalks available. Mr. Kruzer offered no <br /> solutions and had no suggestions to alleviate the issue of overflow parking. <br /> Mr. Kruzer advised that he and Mr. Grans had discussed the permit-only parking by Como Park; <br /> mm however, Mr. Grans had advised that this had been very problematic to enforce. <br /> Chair Boerigter questioned if Mr. Kruzer was suggesting "No Parking" signs for Eldridge and Belmont <br /> during the duration of the fair, since there was parking on one side of the street at this time. <br /> Mr. Kruzer recognized that "No Parking" signs would only create additional issues for residents and their <br /> guests. <br /> Member Boguszewski opined that, if a permit program was instituted to issue placards or stickers to <br /> 124 allow neighborhood parking, it would require something linked to vehicles that would be practical for <br /> 125 the Police Department to enforce. <br /> Mr. Kruzer noted that this would still impact guest of residents who didn't have stickers; and in <br /> hindsight, noted that the park and ride facilities provided a great service, with many residents in his <br /> mm neighborhood, including his family, using them. However, Mr. Kruzer noted that it would be preferable <br /> for fair goers to realize that if a site was full,they needed to move on to another site, and not park on <br /> neighborhood streets. <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />