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Fine Associates/Roseville Community Bia,nk,, Case No. 2032 Page 3 <br />The eixa,ct lighting conons are not noted. However, fixtures similar <br />to that wihich have been, employied 'in previou's elas, of the PUD would <br />be appriopriatel. <br />Drawing P! faintly, Indi-cates the location of a, pylo-in sign on the <br />southwesterly most island within the Parking arela. This location is <br />beyond the 30 foot, setback required and would be appropriate. As <br />dislicussed with the apiplican�t at, St,a,ff sessions, a single pylon is proposed <br />at this location along with a, sign on the building as indicated on the <br />front elevation of the structiure, <br />fume <br />ngineer , iniq Cons i,de rat,i oins <br />A,t,t,ached is a copy olf the Engineering Staff report,. We suggest that <br />any approval, be c�ontingen�t, on final Engineering Staff review, <br />Par,ks & Open 5 <br />tl(a) For all land zoned o,ther than residential, the value shall b <br />based upon land value,, exclusive of buildings an <br />4' <br />i mprovements, and shall be 5 percent of the value." <br />