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Pagie f our <br />April 20, 19,89 <br />In our, case there is a clontract of employment between James <br />d <br />Andre and, the City lolf R,oseV ille dated in 1974. That <br />contract, provides the compensation be paid to Mr. Andre upon <br />termination of his employment. <br />The contract says three months pay, it does not say he wouli <br />be Paid uinused, but accrued vacation. <br />In order to pay Mr.i An,drie the vacation "it would have to be <br />shown that the action of" the City Council amended this <br />agreement and priovided, that upon term 1",nat ion he would be <br />[talid any accrued, unused vacation. <br />N'oth,ing hias been called to our attlentiLon that such • <br />amendment was made to the contract or that such a promise <br />was madeft if there is such 'information, it should be called <br />tio, our attention. <br />a <br />Also l,eft un,a,n,sweried is the question pay accrued <br />v,acatiion 10is it paid, at the rate be was making at the time <br />the vacatigon was, earned or at bis present salary.) The <br />I <br />,employment agreement also sILlent on these issues. <br />