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Plage f our I <br />Ap r i 1 211 0 ti 1, 19 8.011 <br />In our ca,se there, is a contract of employment between James <br />-Andre and the City of Roseville dated, in 1974. That <br />contract. provides the compensation be paid to Mr. Andre upon <br />I it, <br />t,ermin,a,ti,on oif his employment. <br />■ <br />,The cliontract siays three months pa,yi,, 'it does not say he woulil?, <br />be paild unused,, but. aiccrued viacation. <br />In order to pay, Mr. Andre the vacation it would have to be <br />shown that, the acti'Llon of the City Council amended this <br />agreement and provided, that upon termination he would be <br />Od any accrued,, unused, vacation. <br />pal <br />Nothing has 'been called tio our attention that such an <br />amendment was maide to the contract or that such a promise <br />wa s made., If there is such information, it should be called <br />to our attientilLon. <br />a <br />Also, left unanswered is the question MW if you pay accruet <br />I <br />vacati,oin is it Paid at the rate he was making at the time <br />the vacation, was earned or at his present salary? The <br />I <br />employment agreement is, also silent on these issues.- <br />