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7 8 under a revised JPA and implements the draft Watershed Management Plan the costs to <br /> 79 Roseville residents will increase significantly. The current preliminary budget request will <br /> 8o require an increase from $37,000 to $150,000 from each of the two cities for 2012. Staff has <br /> ������1 commented on their draft plan in that the costs for implementation are significantly understated <br /> 8"'? and there for in our opinion the eventual costs will be even higher. This should be considered <br /> 83 when comparing the merger options. Staff also believes the Council should consider the <br /> 84 implications of the revised JPA language as it relates to the city not having budgetary control <br /> 85 over the organization as the City Council may still be perceived as the accountable for the costs <br /> 86 of the organization if the funds are collected via city storm water utility bills. <br /> 87 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> 88 Staff recommends that the City Council carefully consider the implications of the revised JPA <br /> ������9 language and the funding options for the Grass Lake WMO that would collect the revenue from <br /> go within the boundaries of the watershed. Staff does not support the revised Joint Powers <br /> 9,1 Agreement language. The setting of storm utility rates within the Grass Lake WMO area to <br /> 9d"'? reflect the additional annual support for the WMO budget over and above the citywide storm <br /> 93 utility fee would be feasible to implement but perception may be that the City Council is <br /> 94 responsible for rate increases. If the Council is supportive of the revised JPA language, staff <br /> 95 recommends establishing a GLWMO line item storm water utility fee. <br /> 96 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br /> 97 Discuss the revised Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Shoreview regarding the Grass <br /> 9������ Lake Water Management Organization and their 2012 budget request. <br /> Prepared by: Duane Schwartz,Public Works Director <br /> Attachments: A. Report of Governance and Financing Task Force <br /> B.Draft 2012 GLWMO Budget <br /> C. Proposed Revised Joint Powers Agreement <br /> D. City Attorney Opinion <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />