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A Report of the Governance and Financing Task Force for the Grass Lake <br /> Watershed Management Organization <br /> Purpose <br /> The Governance and Financing Task Force (Task Force) for the Grass Lake Watershed <br /> Management Organization (GLWMO) was convened on October 6, 2011 with the purpose of <br /> researching and recommending a future governance strategy for GLWMO, specifically whether <br /> GLWMO should merge with either Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District(RWMWD) <br /> or Vadnais Lake Area Watershed Management Organization(VLAWMO) or if GLWMO should <br /> remain an independent organization with an improved financing strategy. <br /> Process <br /> After the first meeting, analysis criteria were developed to focus the fact finding of teams <br /> studying RWMWD, VLAWMO and GLWMO. These criteria, with preliminary weighting and <br /> suggestions for measurement are shown in table 1. This set of criteria became the basis for <br /> further discussions about criteria and weighting at later meetings. <br /> Criteria Weight Suggested Measures <br /> Program o <br /> Effectiveness 14.13/ Score of High, Medium, Low <br /> Monitoring 13 o Number and Frequency of Waterbodies <br /> Capability .52/ Monitored <br /> Education 13.20% Frequency of Educational Programs <br /> Success for Grants 9.35% Ratio of Grants received to Grants Applied for, <br /> weighted by number of grants applied for <br /> Outstanding o <br /> 6.98/ Number of Awards <br /> accomplishments <br /> Citizen Input 6.65% Score of High, Medium, Low or No Input based <br /> on citizen interviews or survey <br /> Score of High, Medium, Low or No Control <br /> Local Control 5.92% based on interviews or survey of City <br /> Staff/Councils <br /> Citizen Awareness 5.92% Score of High, Medium, Low or No Awareness <br /> based on citizen interviews or survey <br /> City cost 5.56% Annual cost to cities through direct funding or <br /> program cost share with Watershed <br /> Resident's cost 5.56% Cost to residents through fees or taxes <br /> Staff Number 3.89% Number of FTEs <br /> Staff retention 3.34% Average Tenure of FTEs <br /> Admin Cost o Percent of Annual Budget devoted to <br /> (percent of budget) 3.10/ administration <br /> Board Turnover 1.54% Average Tenure of Board Members <br /> Board Qualifications 1.34% Score as High, Medium, Low or No Qualification <br /> required of Board Members <br /> Table 1. Initial criteria and weightings used for fact finding <br /> These criteria were assessed by each team through studies of the publications of the <br /> organizations including plans, budgets, websites and educational materials and through <br />