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106 Subdivision 3. Term of Office,. Each Commissioner shall serve at the will and <br /> 107 consent of the City Council who appointed the Commissioner or until the <br /> 108 Commissioner's designated term of office expires, whichever event occurs first. <br /> 109 Subdivision 4. Vacancy. Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term of <br /> 110 any Commissioner by the City Council who appointed said Commissioner. Vacancies <br /> III will be filled bv the sameprocedure as for makinq reqular appointments g§ rovided in <br /> 112 Sec. 111sub. 11 <br /> 113 Subdivision 5. Record of Appointment. Each City shall, within thirty (30) days <br /> 114 following the appointment of a Commissioner, file a written notice of such appointment <br /> 115 with the Secretary of the Board. <br /> 116 Subdivision 6. Compensation. Each City may compensate the Commissioners it <br /> r%r <br /> 117 appoints, but the Commissioner shall not be compensated by the Organization <br /> 118 n .......n.....k i A x i +kn n rri n <br /> '­-.­, ............E-1 I`-­ %Aniza+ijaR, except that the Orggnization shall <br /> 119 compensate Commissioners for anv out of ocket expenses as Pre-approved bv the <br /> 120 Board. <br /> 121 Subdivision 7. Officers of the Board. At the first meeting of the Board in each <br /> 122 year, the Board shall elect from its Commissioners a chairperson, a vice chairperson <br /> 123 and a secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its meetings <br /> In +kink nkLpr,%e%p r%f+kink e%knirr,%eNrL-_r%n +ke vir%,n r%k cknll mnnc-iAn nnA <br /> 124 and affairs. 'T 11 11..........EL-11 %.A kdf%-# 1.1-1.%.W W I F` 711 ON <br /> r%,nrfr%rrvn +kink r4i ffin e%knirr%,�rc^n <br /> 125 U W11 11 %.#1 It shall be the dutv of the chair to <br /> 126 a. Serve as chair n for all meetino- <br /> 127 <br /> 128 b. Sim, in the name of the Organization, pny contracts corresponde <br /> 129 or other instruments Pertairtift to the business of the OManization as <br /> 130 so authorized bv a maioritv vote of the Boa <br /> 131 <br /> 132 c. Be a5�inatory to the Organization accounts ee develo ent of <br /> 133 meetinq aqendas- have full votinq s at all times mav vote on <br /> I -PrNitege— 1 <br /> 134 anvissue eed not confine his/her voting to break ties in votiDq by <br /> 135 the Commissioners- <br /> L <br /> 136 <br /> 137 d. The Chair shall assume no other duties or rg§ponsibilities except as <br /> 138 qranted bv maiorit te of the Board. <br /> 139 <br /> 140 It shall be the duties of the Vice Chair to: <br /> 4 <br />