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141 ir's duties in the event of the absence or disabilily of <br /> 142 the Chair-, <br /> 143 <br /> 144 f. Be a siqnatory to certain instruments and accounts of the Orqanizatio <br /> 145 <br /> 146 _q. In the absence of Chair and Vice Chair a Chair Pro Tempore shall be <br /> 147 elected b Commissioners in attendance to serve as Chair for the <br /> 148 duration of that meet[M. <br /> 149 <br /> 150 It shall be the duties of the Secretary to. <br /> 151 h. Oversee the preparation and distribu a time1v manner, of the <br /> 152 minutes of all meetinga_of the OManization� <br /> 153 <br /> 154 i. Distribute draft minutes to the Commissioners in advance of meejjng§� <br /> 155 <br /> 156 Oversee the official records of the 0[gqnization. <br /> 157 <br /> 158 In the case of vacancv of anv officers of the Board,,, a replacement shall be <br /> 159 elected bv a maioritv of the Commissioners to serve for the remainder of the vacated <br /> 160 term. <br /> T..I-.%,n Mr%prrl L-knil nr4r%m+ ri ilnc- <br /> 161 Subdivision 8. Rules and Regulations of the Board. <br /> 162 <br /> fr^nn finme +r% +inn,-% im -%itknr n parii dnr r%r r%f+kn Dr%,nrr4 r,%rr%xnr4,nr4 +kn+ nr%+ie% <br /> 163 <br /> 164 <br /> Anw mri^r +^ +kn 'Mf %A/kit-1k +kink r%r^m^L,,nA n �nr4nneNn+ %Atill k,� e% mc-iAe <br /> 165 "N;XXXT VI NWI UL W XUT %.0 F 1 !]if 11 VVI 1 'k,"O 1-1 1 W tf%!.III%_7111%0'-U%A I%11.�A IF 11 %.0 1 11%idl I I 1%.0 1 1 L V I 4e 4.-A 11 <br /> 166 meetinqs of the Joint Powers Board are sub ect to Minn. Stat. Chapter 13D sota <br /> 167 Open Meetinq Law),.and shall bggoverned bv Robert's Rules of Order, New1v Revised <br /> 168 10th Edition or later. The Board mav adopt other rules and rpgulations as it deems <br /> 169 necessarV to carry out its duties and the purpose of this Agreement. Such rules and <br /> 170 requiations may be amended from time to time in either a requiar oLapecial meetipg of <br /> 171 the Board provided that notice of such proposed amendment has beep_given to each <br /> 172 Director at least ten (10) dgy_Lrior to the meetinq at which the p osed amendment will <br /> 173 be considered. The initial rules and regglations shall be submitted to the Members for <br /> 174 their review. Members shall submit their comments to the Board within 45 days. These <br /> 175 rules and requiations after adopt�ion anization's bylaws. <br /> shall be recorded in the QM_ <br /> 176 <br /> 5 <br />