Sathe & Associates, Inc.
<br />Position Profile
<br />The 'omxuuuunit
<br />The City of Roseville is a suburban community of approximately 36,,000,, located adjacent to
<br />Minneapolis and St. Paul. Rosevi-1111le was incorporated lin 1948, with a population of 4,,589.
<br />Thel community experienced rapid, growth in the 50"s and 60's. This growth slowed during
<br />the 70�"ls, as the City matur,ed and less land, as available for development. Projections for
<br />*I
<br />the futu ire ndicate a, continuation, of this stabilizing of population growth.
<br />Roseville is an upper, middle class community., The City is highly respected, for its service
<br />III
<br />delivery, fiscal, management, parks and recreation programs and facilities, and as a major
<br />regional retail center.,
<br />Roseville is forrtu,na,te in having a qualified management team which has developed a number
<br />A
<br />of innovative! programs in recent years. One of these is a Pavement Management Program,
<br />in which, a majority of' the City, s streets will be reconstructed, over an, eight year period,
<br />based, on a computerized inventory of the condition of'the streets. Another is a Storm
<br />Water Utility, Program, placing a fee on all parcels, of property based on the amount of
<br />A
<br />i I mper,violus ],and contained on each parcel.
<br />A recent survey 'Indicated an overwhelming majority of Roseville's residents were very
<br />satisfied with the services provided by the Clity, and with Roseville's, quality of life.
<br />Roseville has preserved a healthy balance between residential and commercial development.
<br />a
<br />Roseville has a total of 1 ,121 housing, units. Approximately 70% are single family and 30%
<br />are some t,yIple of multi-family units,. Median family ly income for residents of Roseville for
<br />1984 was $35,,5�8,01., while median, income for Ramsey County during this period was $30,522.
<br />The above figures indicate that Roseville ■ center, of' commerc i"al/ "Industrial development
<br />w "th an excellent geographic location 'in the Twin City metropolitan area. The Rosedale
<br />regional shopping center, with over 1,,O00,000 square feet, contains 153 stores and services.,
<br />plus four major department stores and, is in, the process, of making a, 250,000 square foot
<br />ad d
<br />Sixty-four restaurants., ranging, from fast-food to fine eating establishments, are located in
<br />Roseville. The City has approved the issuance of 17 of the 30 authorized liquor services.
<br />Roseville, has three banks, and three, savings and loan associations.
<br />SUNSET RIDGE BUSINESS PARK 9 5i821 CEDAR LAiK,E ROADe MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55416 9 612/546-2100 * FAX 612/546-6930
<br />'WORLD TRADE, CENTER * 310, E. 7'TH ST * SUITE221601 * ST PAUL,, MINNESOTA 55101 0 612/224-7000 & FAX 612/223-8079
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