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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DATE: 01/09/89 <br />ITEM NO.: <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Sectioni <br />Ill <br />1tem. Descri, <br />Agreement with Ramsey County for recycling grant, <br />14 <br />The Council at the December 12th meeting approved an agreement between <br />11 <br />I"Ity a,nd Super Cycle,, Inc.. for recycling collection services for <br />the, Cil <br />19891 op <br />Attacheld is a proposed agreement between the City and Ramsey county for <br />a r,ecy,c,l ing, grant f or 19,89, The grant includes <br />*I G 0 0 <br />III -ubl,ic Education and Administrative bosts $251000 <br />0 0010 V'A f- <br />The Grant wiill enable the City to continue the curbside collection for <br /># I <br />single family h,olm,iesi on the First f Wednesdays of each month <br />from January through December,, 19891., It will also include funds for <br />0 5 <br />collection at multi-familyunits on lthe same days beginning <br />approximately April 1st through December,, 11989,, <br />0 6 <br />Motion authorizing the Mayor to sign an, agreement with Ramsey County <br />for a recycling grant for 19890 <br />