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0 <br />WITNESSEiTH., <br />WHEIRE�AS i the County has estabi'l shed Policies and plans supporting <br />curbside recycliJ."Lng as part 6f an overall was,;,.-.e abatememn-14: program, <br />and, <br />I <br />WHEREAS the, C.Lty supplorts, curbsidle recycling and des' <br />a ires that. it <br />M <br />CS'e avaiLlable to riedents, of the, City, and INS <br />WHEREAS,I the County has collected, funds speci-flocally for curbside. <br />- - <br />M ecycling,, and M <br />WHEREAS, the Citiy has submi"tteild to the County a proposal for <br />implementinig curbside riecycling, and <br />WHEREAS,, the County has, acquired, and equipped property located at <br />775 R,ice Street (hereinafter called the Recycling Center) for use <br />for materials collected within the <br />as a prcicessxng facility <br />County, . <br />NOW THEREFORE, the County and, CILty, mutuam-Lly agree. as �Oljows ' <br />J.- n <br />cons:'Lderation of' the mutual promises and covenants containei <br />OBLTGATTiOj:4FS <br />ww <br />db <br />Its <br />• <br />16 <br />71 i,ncu,r expenses, f or reimburse,,ment. by +Z".hr., County <br />b Ine, City shall <br />according <br />• the budget shlown �4n P <br />shia'.2.1 not be. requested for exDew.nses o.". that poqr"7-ion o"E <br />exipien,ses whi'ch ha,vie been or wi i be reimbursed by other <br />agenci,es or, prolgirams. educatio.-ii <br />4% <br />Prioduced by, the City or its sub,contractor's) shall credit the <br />M <br />