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M <br />Request for Vat e rsk i Permits, y Lake Owasso Safe Boating Asst*. <br />Responses to Rog Request for Public Hering <br />We are requesting ing authoriz tion to leave surface equipment in Lake <br />Owasso ovennite as rewired by stave law which provides that the DXR <br />with the cooperation of the County Sheriff to permit such uses <br />Some seven other lakesites in the Twin Cities Area have like Permits <br />so this is not a singular attempt to saddle Lake Owasso with something <br />unique. would estimate that there are approximately 50 waterski, <br />activity permits presently, active in the State <br />The 1996 Suer Olympics, which incidently the Twin Cities were hoping <br />to host" proposes to place waterskiing in the program as a <br />"Demonstration Sport " with it's future as a fully qualified event to <br />be determined by the the effectiveness of this proposal. <br />It seems only reasonable that this State, the "Founding Hone" of' the <br />sport should have the support of its local commute i t i , <br />Lake Owasso and it's many neighboring lakes have provided a tr .ining <br />ground for more than its share of National Champions and some twenty <br />competitors who are now listed in the World Waterski Ratings. <br />�f <br />taxpayer expense and without hope of direct monetary return our <br />local government has built facilities or provided space for hundreds <br />of spurts Tennis, Golf " Baseball, Softball, Swimming, several types of' <br />Boating, Jagging, Volleyball and even Bird Watching.. <br />Our communities have also built, at enormous expense, many ice arenas <br />and skating rinks and are proposing to u ld a refrigerated speed <br />skating rink with costs estimated at $1.5 million dollars or more <br />The City of Roseville is even now considering the acquisition of the <br />Concordia School properties to expand are our recreation capab i it es, <br />at costs that will exceed a million dollars, <br />Our group does not object to these expenditures" we just want you to <br />listen to our request and compare the merits. <br />Competition ition watersk ers provide their own 6%ipment, <br />,along with providing liability insurance for ourselves and our <br />operations, our county permit also requires us to protect the <br />goverment agencies with a $500,000 liability pol icy for thier role, <br />the per it grantor. <br />You wont find any drinking driven in a competition training boat <br />Along with the ,state boating certification most of our beat dri err <br />ls� are American Wat rsk i Association certified drivers or have had <br />. <br />training that is required by the association to provide the type of' <br />driving required of these specialized boats. <br />Compare that with the average boat driver who may or may not have even <br />had the state: drivers test (which consists of only a written test, <br />without any "in the boat test"), the state test does not even require <br />any boating experiance, only a few sort hors of cla5sr oom for some <br />drivers under the age of 18 years <br />Prefered times of operation for competition practise are between the <br />hours of 7 A. M. and 10 A. M. because the waters are usually calmest <br />during that time and the winds light. Although boat speeds for our <br />competition do not exceed 36 mph, skier speeds may approach 3n <br />because of the length of line and skier course travelled. At those <br />speeds a skier can be in trouble if he or she encounters water r i 1 . <br />by the winds or other boats 4. <br />One can only compare the restriction of wat rski con petition practise <br />5 <br />
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