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Practise sessions are seldom more than 20 minutes long per boat <br />although with several baste in use sessions nay extend for an hour <br />and a half of actual use time, This usually does not mean continuous <br />use, as they spy in hockey, " thane's a break in the action". <br />Our group his made it a practise to remove the skier's balloons and <br />some of the boat gates when there is no member around who can keep an <br />eye an the course and we have attempted to police and curb misuse of <br />the course. <br />Surface eu i pment is constructed to provide breakaway capability to <br />prevent underwater damage to the course and to boating equipment for <br />safety, <br />However, each of the anchoring facilities (10 in all and surface <br />equipment for the skiers gates, boat gates and skiers balloons: <br />requires about $30 in hardware to reconstruct and usually a diver for <br />its repair if struck so constant attention is required to keep then <br />adjusted e i o w normal boat operations depths during periods of <br />fluctuating water levels, <br />During the spring and suer of 1988 the course has not been used <br />before 7:30 . M. and is most often removed by 9:30 A. M* with only <br />intermittent use during that period <br />Some practise has been conducted during the evening can occa:ssion <br />however, water conditions during the evening hours are s ldare suitable <br />for good practiret <br />Anyone who has been involved in true competition in any sport knows <br />that a reg mine of practise and repetition are a necessary part of the <br />A check with the Ramsey County Sheriff has shown only one complaint <br />listed in the last six years that would relate to the use of the <br />permitted facilities and that was filed ` y an off lake user who had a <br />ski rope run over by a boater outside the course. <br />A clerk in the Roseville Police Department advised us that they <br />haven't any record of any water related complaints at all in: their <br />files regarding the facilities in discussion <br />Our group appreciates the use of the lake and has worked hard to keep <br />boating fun and safe <br />We have spent considerable time and effort to avoid conflicts with our <br />neighbors an off lake boaters and would appreciate the opportunity to <br />be advised of any problems related to our activities if and when they <br />become apparent so we can work to resolve theme before we find then to <br />be at issue <br />Owasso the Lake <br />