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REQUEST FOR COUN IL ACTION DATE o,k 1/26/87 <br />ITEM NO.: <br />Department Approval: <br />k <br />Manager Rev kewed -. Agenda Sectionl <br />Item Deiscription.1 Consultant to assist in updating the City's <br />Clerical/Techniocal Pay Plan. <br />Ot <br />4 <br />City sitaf f through an, employee committee has been rev isewing various <br />aspects of the Clierical/Technical Pay Plan. The review process is now <br />at, a point where addl"itiLonal techn"ca,l expertise In the areas of <br />I <br />performance evaluation, merit pay, and salary structures 'is needed. <br />1 <br />,After & meeting with several, consultants,, 't is recommended that Labor <br />Relations Associates be hired to assist 'in completing the update of <br />the pay pilan.1 The, estimated cost of the consultant is $6,300.00, <br />The cos�t of the coinsul,t,iant, will need to be funded from the Contingency <br />Account. <br />Motion apipr olv inig/ deny ing the hiring of Labor Relations Associates, and <br />authorizing the use of funds from the Contingency Account to pay for <br />the consultant . <br />