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K <br />I I a <br />This requirement applies, only when residential property, R-1 <br />thrioulghRow8., "is listed on the Abstriactior's Certificate, This <br />requirement doles not a,pply to property proposed for development <br />a <br />which J-s zioneld ',R-11 and, will be or continue to be used for single <br />family housing. <br />I <br />,Please indicate the date that o met or will be meeting <br />with the affected property owneris,. <br />If' the Applicati4ion Form, alternative "is used, it would not have the <br />authority of an ordinance,* however, J-t could be tried on an interim <br />basis and if it did not work, the Coluncil could consider an ordinanc,-.& <br />1 <br />requirement later,. <br />Milotion lethier 'Instructing the staff to prepare an ordinance or <br />authorizing the sta,f f to, include a new section in the Plann3'-ng Appll- <br />catillov Form.i <br />NOTE: If the loc,al improvement hearings become extended,, this item <br />can, be, tabled until, the February 9 meeting. <br />