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D 1� M I A <br />ITMETOM-41 <br />industrial. Within the, near f ultulre, portions of the land may be appropriately <br />rezoned for business uses the first, of which will likely he the former Control <br />D�ata, site at the southwest corner of County Road B v2 and Fairview. <br />A <br />A& <br />Approximately the easterly two-thirds of this, prioperity is zoned Shopping <br />Center Districts A strip of land one lot deep along the west side (contiguous <br />to the backyarlds of the single-family hiom�e,s, on the west) Vis zoned R-2 with a <br />6,0 foot wide strip of land between the two to accornmodate a possible <br />north-south street, separatioing the, two uises.- <br />Whlen the original zoning was donee, the City Planning Commission and Council <br />were aware of the fact that this is an unlikely location for a, large-scale <br />shopping center,, The principal deficiency is a lack of' a ma j I or east-west <br />thoroughfare serving the market with convenient, access, to the site. <br />Ult'imate Use <br />Multi- family holus,inlg may well be a, reasonable use for the land, though we <br />woulid not reco,mmend indicating high density multi-family housing, contiguous to <br />the single-famiil� area to the west. The piresenit Comprehensive Plan indicates <br />y <br />this westerly strlip as a medium density housing catego�yft <br />