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M I <br />EL I <br />fillh�ol,d the land"' (sometimes called warehousing the land) until the right use <br />comes along. This may be a use of which we are not aware and may or <br />may not require, some form of business zonling. <br />Changing the land use on the Comprehensive Plan to multi-family housing or <br />high, density multi-family housing on the easterly port*lon of the -land could be <br />done. This is what was done In the case of the mobile home park south of <br />three ivic Center (across County Road C and the tracks) wh�efe the land is <br />zoned B-3, but shown as high density multi-family housing for the future. <br />If the prqpert� i Is developed in the near future,, t is likely that multi-family <br />y <br />housing may' be its best, use. Over, a longer period of time this may not be <br />the blest choice. <br />Sumim <br />The changing of the Land Use Plan and/or the zoning in this case could be a <br />matter of legal concern, As a first step, we suggest a consultation with the <br />land owner, regarding his objectives and review, of the market at this time. <br />I <br />An option to consider 'is redesignation of a portion of the land (perhaps the <br />.iortherl,y area) for multi-family purposes and the retention of portions of the <br />I <br />southerly area, for busi"niesis development., <br />We do not recolmmend the development, of the land in the north-south strips <br />as currently zoned. This Is merely a method of retaining protection for the <br />neighborhood to the west subject, to the preparation of an imaginative and <br />appropriate plan to affect a successful transition from intensive uses on the <br />east . side to the exIsting single-family homes contiguous to the west. <br />L 41F a SMOM <br />During th�ese years of rapid' growth, there was considerable pressure to develo's <br />a I I <br />other, commeircial properties on Hi*ghway, 3'6 and in other areas of thig <br />