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The City Counca" <br />Public FJ-nancia, <br />icoolrdina,t ion, of <br />report, containerli <br />relating to the <br />residential use, <br />recommend the m) <br />The inf ormation provides an excel,l,ein,t f ramework to move into imple <br />mentation through a number, of specc planning steps, Four basic <br />steps will be recommended 'in terms of implementation of the study., <br />The steps are proposed as follows: <br />1 ri A six month delve'llopment moratorium along 35W f rom the Glacier <br />prolplerty north,, to and including, the Ruan transport s""I te,, and <br />the area, fromiCounty Road C to C-2, adjacent to Cleveland,, <br />(�See map.,) This would not stop the permit which was recently <br />MI <br />issued, to, jolhnson Florist f or, expansion to their f aciii ty, but <br />it would, prohibit any other permlots for future expansion. <br />It <br />2. ModiLficiatiLon of Comprehensive Plan areas where appropriate, <br />3,. Targeting an area or areas for mini plans. <br />4* Formulation of a more restrictive offo :ice z o-,# .e M <br />The moratorium, is the first critical element that must be addressed <br />a a MI a a <br />in signiflicant detailp What follows is a discussion of the moratorium <br />and why its implementat 'ion is critical. Additional elements relating <br />to the other three *Implementation steps will, be forthcoming at a <br />l,a,tei,r date, . <br />