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P.J <br />November 25 r 1981 <br />TO: J im, Andre <br />FROM: Craig Waldron <br />SUBJECT': THE EAST METRO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL--JOINT VENTURE <br />It would be my recommendat 'Ion that the City of Roseville partici- <br />patie in tihe East Metro project financially for one year. Subse- <br />quent contribut, "ion si should be reviewed based on the activities <br />taking place in the first, year of the pr03ect, I am confident <br />4 9 <br />that the C]Lty of Rosev3'_lle would beneflt through participation <br />11D <br />based oin, the following reasons: <br />ro Development 'in, the Twin Cities area has been focused <br />primarily on the southwest sector of the Metro Area. Albeit <br />inroads, have been, made by eastern suburban areas with respect <br />to, development; any ef'fort focusing attention to the the east <br />is poisitive for the Clity Of' RosevilleS <br />a <br />2.i The Western Metro A,riea is extremely well organized, The <br />East Metro Area palielis in comparison to the joint development <br />effort, that is occurring to the west, <br />30 Any promotional effort and attlention that is focused to the <br />East Metro Area, will benef1it Roseville. Roseville and <br />Woodbury are the most advanced 'in terms of economic develop- <br />ment approaches- therefore the more aggressive cities should <br />blenelf 'lit from ioncreased eastern visibility. <br />41r, Roseville"s selling capacitywould be enhanced by teaming <br />with other high, profile groups such as the St. Paul Port <br />Authority,, City of' sit. Paul, and St.. Paul Chamber of <br />Commerce, <br />Again,, based on the aforemientioned reasons, I would recommend <br />participatlng iin 'the pro"eict a a <br />financilly on one year bas' <br />3 1 is ana <br />subsequently riev,lew,ing the effort after a one-year time period, <br />