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ro i w <br />A o <br />of Rosevil e <br />18150 Weist Ryan <br />Dear Mayor Demosis <br />This Is a formal request for, t,he City of Roseville to become a <br />partner Saint Economic Development <br />Council,, a joinit venture of' the Chambers of Commerce, i <br />municipalities a eastern <br />metrolpoill�tian area for e,noinomic develoment promotion. <br />Venture Proposal." <br />veiniturie would be: I <br />lei To Provide ecoinolmic developiment Information about <br />community, such as demographics, curren�t ,y <br />development sites r ■ and Information "" <br />to, hand i• i <br />t. To provide information abiout the prlocesis of economic <br />development In your community, such as the type of <br />development your community, encourages, <br />assistance ■ provides <br />prospects, and the steps a prospect must go, through to get a <br />d :r rw 'i <br />provide <br />suggested $21,,5100 # <br />budgeted for at least threie (3) yearls. First year funds <br />should be rem�itted to the "'Sainitil Paul East Metiro Marketing <br />Fund", In care of' the ■ Paul Area Chamber <br />at the above address. <br />