Regular Meeting of the City Council - january 9., 1984. 7: 30 P. MW
<br />The City Council, met on the above date with the following
<br />members Present: Kehr, Curley, Johnson,, Pranke, and Demos,
<br />Members absient. None,
<br />KehT Nbved, Curley Seconded,, that the m"nuties of the MINUFES
<br />Regula-r N;eieting of December 19, 1983, 'be approved. Roll
<br />,Call,, Ayies : Kehr, Curley,, Johnson.' Franke, and Denos.
<br />N ays
<br />1) Rezoning of the we,st,eril,y 65, feet olf the easterly 16
<br />feet of' the property, at, 1665 County Road B from R-1
<br />(si'ngle-family) to SI.C. (shopping centier). I
<br />2) Variance to setback., from the easterly R-I zoning
<br />from 100 felet to 0 feet,,, to, allow the building to be
<br />pla,ceid up to the rezoning line,,
<br />W-1 3 Keh,r Movied, Franke Secionded, that the Housing Alliancels, HOUSING ALLIANCE
<br />request for amendment, to the Comprehensive Plan's Land
<br />Use Map, at SOO County Road B be approved,. Roll Call.,
<br />,Ayes.- Kehr, Franke, and Demos. Nays: Curley and Johnson,
<br />