Council Minutes
<br />January 9, 1984i Meeting
<br />�2-
<br />B-4 Johnson Moved'. Kehr Seconded, that Ordinance 9371, adding ORDINANCE 937
<br />Chapt,er ,I the City Code of the City of Roseville
<br />establishing a stormater drainage utillity, be adopted.
<br />Roll, Call, Ayes: K,ehr, Curley, johnson, Franke., and Demos.
<br />Johnsion Moived, Keh,ri Seconded, that Resolution 7578, adopting RESOLUTION 7578
<br />a, policy providing credits and adjustments to municipal
<br />a
<br />stormwatier drainae fees
<br />g , be adopted., Roll Call,, Ayes,,
<br />Kehr, Curley,, Johnsim, Franke, and Demosi., Nays: None.
<br />B- 5 Cu-rley Moved,,, john,son, Seconded, that York Siteak House YORK STEAK HOUS4
<br />Systems., Inc. Is, a'Lcat ion for on-sale wine license a
<br />ppl3 t
<br />Roseldalle Shloppling Center be continued to the February 13,
<br />1984 Clouncil meetingi Rioll Call, Ayes: K,ehr, Curley,
<br />Johnson, Franke, and Demols.1 Nays: None,
<br />B- 6 Curley Moved., Johns on Seconded, that Nankin Eix ress , Inc, Is
<br />application for, on- sial,e wine license at 18,85 West Perimeter
<br />Drive be clontinued, to the February 1,3,, 1984 , Council meeting.
<br />Roill Call Ayes: Kehr, Curley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos.
<br />Nay5: None.
<br />C- 1, Curley Mbved, Johnson Seconded, to, approve t following ANNUAL APPOIN NT'..",
<br />appointments
<br />