<br />Reguiar Meeting of' the City Co cij, - January 23,, 1984*
<br />The C ity Council, met on, the above date with the following
<br />Wi
<br />members presiient,, Kehr, Curley, Johnson, Franke,,, and Demos.
<br />Members absent.: Nonle.
<br />A-I Curley Moved, Kiehr Seconded,,, that the minutes of the
<br />Regular Meeting of january 9, 1984,, be approlved. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes- KehT,, Curley,, Johnson'. Frankle', and Demos,
<br />10
<br />Nays, * None.
<br />IF .1
<br />B-1 Keh,r Moved, Curley Seconded,., that Resioluti-Lon 7580 giVI'Mor
<br />prelimi*nariy approval of an application for Industrial
<br />Revenue Bonds by Thomas N. Jones and MaTilyn 0, Jones
<br />Project, be adopted,, Roll Call, Ayelsi- K'e,h,ri, Curley,
<br />Jolhn,son, Franke, and, Demols.1 Naysi, None.
<br />B-2 Keh,r Moved
<br />�C'u,rley Seconded., that the 1984-1988 Capital
<br />Improvement Program be adopted. Roll, Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />Curley, johnson, Franke., and, Demols, Nays.* None.,
<br />OF I
<br />119
<br />P
<br />1 vim S
<br />B-3 Johnson Moved, Franke Seconded,, that Margiolis, Brothers MARGOLIS
<br />Ciompany's request for special use plermi't to construct a BR,OiTHE RS COMPANY
<br />storage bull in at 295 Larplenteur Avenue be approved with
<br />the following conditions:
<br />3) All changes and improvements indicatied. on the above
<br />pl,ans and memorandum be completeid by, July 1. 1984; and
<br />that, suich changes and improvements be made in good
<br />faith and in a timely fashion.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes.- Kehr.., Curley., Johnson, Franke, and Demos,
<br />Nay,s: None .
<br />