Counci I Minutes
<br />January 23, 1984
<br />m2l
<br />71
<br />C-11 Curley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Mr. Th,oir Bank, 2185 RICE CREEK
<br />Draper Avenue, be applointed to the R:"L'ice Cr,eiek, Watershed WATERSHED
<br />1 1 W7
<br />Citizens .509 Task, Force representing the City of Roseville. CITIZENS 5019'
<br />Roll, Call, A C
<br />yes: Keihr, urley, Johnson,, Frianke, and Demos. TASK FORCE
<br />N'ays: None V
<br />E-1 Curl,ey Moved,, Franke Seconded, that the report of the SPEEDSKATING
<br />Parks and, RecreatJon Board regard]"-ng location of a TRACK
<br />national speedskating track in Roseville be received.
<br />Roll Call, Ayess. Keh,r, Clurley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos.
<br />Nays: None, IF
<br />2 ed a 1 LEASE W I TH
<br />Curley Moved, Keh,r Second, tht the Mayor and City
<br />Manager, be, authiorizied toi sign the real property lease SCHOOL DISTRICT
<br />with Independent, I C I DioStTii No.1 6123 for the 623
<br />1
<br />recreation area property at Lake O�was'so Elementary School.
<br />Roll Calliii Ayes: Kehri, Curilley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos.
<br />Naysi.9 None.
<br />E�i3 Franke Moved, Keh,r Seconded', that Ordinance 941, rezoning ORDINANCE 941
<br />tihe westerily 6S feet of the easterly 1,65 feet of the
<br />property at 16651 County Road B-2, from R-1 (single-family)
<br />to S.C., (shopping icenter), be adopited. Roll, Call, Ayes:
<br />Kehr.., Cu,riley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-4, Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded,., thati,Riesiolution 7581 author- RESOLUTION 758
<br />izi,n,g f-iling oif the application executing the grant
<br />I I I d naming the individual responsible for the
<br />Langton La,ke Park projelet, be adlopted. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Kehri, Curley.,, Johnson., Franke, and Demos''.1 Naysi: None.
<br />olution 7582 RESOLUTION 7582
<br />E-5, Curl1ey Moved,, K�e,hr Seiconded, that Res
<br />enabling, the MHF'A Solari Bank Deferred Loan Program
<br />to be offered 'in Roseville,, be adopted. Roll,l Call., Ayes:
<br />Kehri, Curiley, Johnson., Franke., and Demos., Naysa, None,
<br />I
<br />E-6 Kehr 14oved, Curley Seconded, that King's Court Racquet KING, I S COURT
<br />Club request for m,al,t, beverage licensie at 2560 Fry be
<br />approved. Roil Call,., Ayes�: Kehr,, Curley, Johnson,
<br />Franke, aind Demos, Nays: N'olne,
<br />