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Regular Meeting, of the City Council - June 25, 1984m 7:30 PxMQ <br />The City Council met on the above date with the following <br />members present. Curley, Franke, KiehrP and Demos. <br />Members absent: Johnson,, <br />A-1 Curley Moved, Franke Seconded,, that the minutes of the MINUTES <br />regular mleeting of June ll,, 1,9184, be approved, Roll call, <br />i <br />Ayes: Curley., Franke, Kehr and Demos. Nays: None, <br />T-1 Keihr Moved, Curley Seconded, that R,oseby Corporation's ROSEBY CORPORATI-5 <br />dbaArby's Restaurant application forwine and non- <br />a <br />intoxicating malt beverage licenses at Rosedale Shopping <br />Centier,be approveid,, Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, <br />Klehr,, and Demos. Nays: None, <br />E-1 Curley Moved,x Franke Seconded, that Richard and Diane CARIGIE,T, RICHAR1 <br />Car 0 • J 1 11 <br />igietis request, for minor variance to allow the AND DIANE <br />construction ofa garage addition extending to within 11,9 <br />feet of' the rear yard property l,ine at 21161 Minnesota., <br />'be approved, Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke,, KehrP <br />and Demos, Nays: None, <br />E,-4 Curley, Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Badger Meter, Incorporated WATER METER BIDS <br />be! awarded the bid for various, quantities of cold water <br />meters and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to <br />e ecute the agreement. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, Kehr, <br />and ,Demos . Nays: None, <br />5 Kehri Moved,,, Curley Seconded, that Resolution 7619 accept ing RESOLUTION 7619 <br />the bid of A,rn,t Construction Comp�a,ny, Incorporated, for <br />Project P-i83-i2O (S.A.P, No. 1,610-2,21-04),,, for the <br />reconstruction of Fleirnwood Avenue,, *in, the amount of <br />$21178,,0198,116, be adopted. Roill Call,, Ayes: Curley,, Franke, <br />Kehr, and, Demlos,, N'ays: None, <br />E 61 Cl,ur ley Moved, Demos Seconded, that change order #1 for ROSEVILLE BANDSH[ <br />Roseville Banidsilell, Project in the amount of $1,400,33 to PROJECT <br />be funded from the bandshell contingency account,, be <br />approved,,,, Roll Call, Ayes: Curley., Franke,, ehr,, and <br />Demo ,s, Naffs : Nione, <br />