Council M]'*-nutes
<br />June 25, 1984
<br />-2-
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<br />E-8 CurleyMoved, Franke, Seconded that the drainage easement DRAINAGE EASEMENI
<br />over Lot 6A Block 1 North Ridge P'lat No 4, be accepted,,
<br />and that the City Attorney be 'instructed to have the
<br />document recorded with the Ramsey, County Register of Deeds.
<br />Ro,ll Call., Ayes, Curley, Frankle, Kehr, and Demos. Nays.
<br />None,
<br />E-9 Kehr Moved,, Franke Seconded, that the attached licenses LICENSES
<br />be approved, Roll Call.., Ayes: Curley', Franke, Kehr., and
<br />Demos,, Nays,: None.
<br />E-10 Frian,ke 14oved,, Curley Seconded, that the following checks BILLS
<br />and total amounts be approved,i
<br />I
<br />Check #85281 85509 $2591423933
<br />938,52 93935 0 0 61 0 9' * 60 45 474,617o9S
<br />Roill Call,., Ayes: Curley, Franke, Ke r, and Demos,
<br />Nays: None.,
<br />F-1 Franke Moved, Kehr, Seconded.,, that Ordinance 955 amending the ORDINANCE 955
<br />Zoning Code by' reclassificati"ion of property at 162 Minnesota
<br />from R-11 to R-i2, be adopted. Roll Cal,l, Ayes: Curley, Franke,
<br />Kiehr, and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />I
<br />F-,2 Franke Moved, Kehr Seconded, that, considerat "ion of the OFF-SALE LIQUOR
<br />proposed off-sale liquor licen'sing ordinance be continued ORDI14ANCE
<br />to Vile Council meeting of july 9th., 1984, Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley,,, Friank,e, Kehr, and Demos., Nays,,i None,
<br />Curley Moved, Franke Seconded, that a Council Work Session COUNCIL WORK
<br />be established for Monday, July 231., 19814,, at 6-00 p.pi. in tic SESSION
<br />City Hall for the purpose of reviewing ordinance requirements
<br />regarding boulevard, parking. R,oll,l Call, Ayes.: Curley, Franke,,
<br />Kehr, and D�emois, Nays,.: None.
<br />I-,I Curley Moved, I d ed, that, the meeting be adj ourned at ADJOURNMENT
<br />8:15 P.m. Roll Call, Ayes: Curleiy,, Franke, Kehr.. and Demos.
<br />Nays:, None ,
<br />0
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<br />4.L
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<br />Manager
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