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I <br />and ■ brought back to the clouncil"I fox final approval. If that iis not successful <br />then the 9taff would move to \ the council's next choice and negotiate the renum- <br />11 t 1% a 9 <br />eiriat il■n ■package with that f iTme is anpated that the negotiat" <br />ion process <br />will, not be very ti'me consuruLng and would be completed yet this month, <br />i I s recommended that the council, establish the, firm of BRW, Incorporated, as <br />q <br />the preferred consulting,firim to provide engineering services for the County <br />Road B-2 bridge over I-35W and instructing the staff to enter into negotiations <br />with tihat firm for a renumeratilon, package and development of a contract for work, <br />